Citizen's income

Citizen's allowance for job-seekers who are capable of working and their family members by granting financial benefits to secure their livelihood.


Citizen's allowance for job-seekers who are capable of work and their family members by granting financial benefits to secure their livelihood.

Entitlement to citizen's allowance

  • all persons in need of assistance who are capable of working and aged 15 or over up to the statutory age limit of 65 to 67 years
  • who have their habitual residence in the Federal Republic of Germany.

Persons who are not able to work, for example children under the age of 15) receive citizen's allowance if there is at least one person in their community of need who is able to work and entitled to benefits.

A person in need of assistance is someone who cannot or cannot sufficiently secure their own livelihood through the use of their own income and/or assets. The income and assets of the partner must also be taken into account for persons living in a joint household. Income is basically all income in cash or cash equivalents, such as earnings from work, maintenance payments, child benefit or voluntary contributions from third parties.

People who have permanently retired from working life due to old age (65 years) or permanent incapacity to work and are unable to support themselves from their own income and assets apply for basic income support.

Amount of benefits

The amount of benefits according to SGB II is based on the standard requirement, which includes all personal needs to cover living expenses (food, clothing, personal hygiene, household items, etc.) as well as reasonable accommodation costs and any additional requirements. The available monthly income is deducted from the needs determined in this way.

Granting period

Citizen's allowance is usually granted on application for a period of six months.

Where to apply

  • Applications are submitted to the job centre at the relevant social welfare centre.
  • Homeless Munich residents should contact the "Central Homeless Assistance" departmentat the Office for Housing and Migration. It is responsible for the entire city area.

Special feature

In the case of persons under the age of 25, further requirements must be met if they intend to move or move out of their parents' home.

Required documents

Proof of

  • Income
  • Assets
  • Accommodation costs
  • Identity cards or passports of all household members

Duration & Costs

Processing time

Maximum 15 days.


There are no fees.

Legal basis

Social Security Code II (SGB II)

Related services

Basic income support in old age and in the event of reduced earning capacity

Persons in need who have permanently left the labour market due to old age or permanent full reduction in earning capacity can apply for basic income support.

Social benefits for EU citizens

EU citizens who are registered in Munich may have access to social benefits.

Financial support for furniture

Support for the necessary initial equipment with necessary furniture and household appliances, but not for subsequent purchases.

Assumption of costs for contraceptives

As a Munich Pass holder, you can have the costs of prescription contraceptives reimbursed.

Financial support for clothing

Financial support for the necessary initial equipment with clothing and shoes, but not for additional purchases.

Labour exchange

Placement in work and training, supportive offers of active labour promotion.

Assistance with living expenses

Are you unable to cover your living expenses from your own financial resources? Under certain conditions, you can apply for financial support.