Subsidy for school social work at vocational nursing school


On 29 November 2023, the Munich City Councilapprovedfunding for Munich's vocational nursing schoolswiththe aim of reducing therate of trainees dropping out of training in the nursing profession and supporting trainees entering the profession.

The challenges for trainees lie in particular in the different learning locations. This is associated with constant familiarisation with new teams and practice locations. In addition, there are other factors such as the great responsibility, the confrontation with human destinies and shift work.

The vocational schools for nursing and nursing assistance in Munich can receive a subsidy for the position of school social worker. Further details are regulated in the guidelines. Funding is subject to application and deadlines.

Please use the application form provided. The application must be submitted by the deadline and must be received by the City of Munich by 31 March 2025 at the latest (cut-off deadline). Please also submit the application by 31 March 2025 if you are still planning to fill a vacancy in 2024.


All requirements for funding are contained in the guidelines.

Required documents

  • Application
  • Proof of studies/degree of the person employed (see point 2 of the guidelines)
  • Proof of salary with classification
  • Concept for school social work (if available)

Duration & Costs


there are no costs.

Legal basis

city Council resolution of 29 November 2023

Landeshauptstadt München

Amt für Soziale Sicherung


Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Amt für Soziale Sicherung

Sankt-Martin-Straße 53
81669 München


Sankt-Martin-Straße 53
81669 München

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