Registration for primary school

If your child turns six by 30 September, you must register them for school enrolment at the relevant primary school on 19 March 2025.


School enrolment for all Munich primary schools will take place on

Wednesday, 19 March 2025. You will be informed of the time by your primary school.

Registration for admission to a municipal day care centre can also be submitted on this day.

Children of compulsory school age must be registered at the responsible public primary school or at a state-recognised private primary school. The responsible public primary school is the one in whose school district you have your usual place of residence. Children with special educational needs are also generally enrolled at the school in the district. You can obtain information about the school districts of the state primary schools from the service telephone or the school management. If you register your child at a private primary school, you must also inform the responsible state primary school.


Children who turn six by 30 September are required to attend school.

For children who turn six in the period from 1 July to 30 September, the start of compulsory schooling can be postponed to the following school year. You must inform the relevant school of this in writing by 10 April at the latest.

Required documents

  • Please enclose the so-called "handover form" ("Information for primary school") from the kindergarten with your enrolment. This can provide the school with important information about the child's readiness for school.
  • The certificate of the school medical examination for school enrolment must be submitted by the start of school in September at the latest.

Questions & Answers

Can I enrol my child at school early?

For children who are not yet six years old on the cut-off date (30 September), parents have the option of applying for their child to start school early. For all children born after 31 December of the reference year, a school psychologist's report is required for early enrolment. The decision on admission is made by the school management in all cases.

Can I have my child deferred?

If, due to physical or mental development, it is to be expected that a child who is actually required to attend school will not be able to participate successfully in lessons, they can be deferred from primary school for one school year. The deferral should be decided before the start of school. However, it is still possible until the end of November if it only becomes apparent within this period that the child cannot successfully participate in lessons. Deferral is only permitted once. The decision is made by the school management. The school management must hear the parents/guardians before making the decision.

Furthermore, children may be deferred if it is determined during school enrolment that they do not have the necessary German language skills. These children may be required to attend a day care centre (i.e. a kindergarten or a house for children) with an integrated "German pre-course".

How do I register my child for all-day care?

There are various options for all-day childcare at Munich primary schools. You can use the Sprengelschule search to find the primary school where you can enrol your child. Here you can also see which all-day programmes your Sprengelschule offers.

Registration depending on the type of childcare

  • All-day class: on the day of school enrolment
  • Place in co-operative all-day education: on the day of school enrolment
  • Place in the day care centre: on the day of school enrolment or via kitafinder+
  • After-school care place: via kitafinder+
  • Lunchtime supervision: contact via the Sprengelschule

Legal basis

All children who will be six years old by the deadline (30 September) or who have already been deferred from primary school are required to attend school. According to Article 119 BayEUG, school enrolment is compulsory.

Landeshauptstadt München

Referat für Bildung und Sport
Abt. 4 Grund-, Mittel-, Förderschulen und Tagesheime


Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Referat für Bildung und Sport
Abt. 4 Grund-, Mittel-, Förderschulen und Tagesheime

Bayerstraße 28
80335 München


Bayerstraße 28
80335 München

Please contact the responsible school.

Related services

Support for children of pre-school age

If your child is between the ages of 4 and 7 and you want to prepare them for school at home, you can take advantage of the HIPPY support programme.

Reimbursement of travel costs to and from school

Munich schoolchildren can apply for a cost exemption or reimbursement of travel costs for their journey to school by public transport.

Reformed health check-up for school enrolment

If your child is due to start school in September, they must first take part in the reformed school enrolment health examination (rSEU).

School district - Guest school application

Public primary, special and secondary schools are subject to compulsory attendance. If there are compelling personal reasons, you can apply for an exemption.