Scholarship for children's and youth theatre
If you work professionally in children's and youth theatre in the independent scene, you can apply for a scholarship from the city.
In 2025, the Cultural Department of the City of Munich will once again be awarding scholarships to professional, freelance artists in the field of performing arts for young audiences.
Four grants of 8,000 euros each will be awarded. The scholarship will be awarded to individuals as a lump sum.
The scholarships are intended to open up important work and further development opportunities for artists in the independent scene and to help them advance in their individual artistic work.
the following activities in particular are supported
- Research, even without direct reference to a planned production
- The development of new concepts and artistic approaches
- Participation in extensive further and advanced training, professional exchanges, visits, etc.
Evaluation criteria
evaluation criteria are in particular
- Relevance of the topic
- Feasibility and comprehensibility of the project
- Significance or recognisable, promising potential of the person in the independent performing arts scene for young audiences in Munich
When the grant is awarded
- The scholarship amount will be transferred in the financial year 2025 after the account details have been provided.
- The scholarship holders are obliged to submit a report on the content of the project carried out by 31 December 2025. The project must be completed by this date.
- Scholarship holders are obliged to take part in an evaluation of the scholarship.
Application deadline
3 . June 2024, 23:59 hrs
The date of receipt by the City of Munich applies, not the date on which the application is sent.
Applications are open to professional artists in the performing arts for young audiences who live or work in Munich (S-Bahn area).
Periods of study are not recognised as professional activity, as these are periods of training. People who only work as artists on a part-time basis cannot apply on the basis of this activity alone.
Required documents
- Overview of professional activity / artistic CV (maximum one page)
- detailed and concrete description of the project that is to be made possible by the scholarship (maximum two pages); answer the following questions:
- What is the reason for the project?
- What goals are you pursuing with this project?
- What are your concrete steps?
- Which other bodies, persons or organisations are involved?
- What is your timetable for the project?
- if your registered place of residence is not in Munich, proof that your work is centred in Munich
- if applicable: proof of your membership of the KSK, artistic associations or other professional artistic networks
- a rough calculation
The application must be submitted via the it@M online portal. The address is:
(see also under "Links & Downloads" and at the beginning of the call "Apply online").
The general funding guidelines as well as the formal, content-related and qualitative funding criteria of the City of Munich apply, which you can also find on our website.
The date of receipt by the City of Munich applies, not the date on which the application is sent.
By submitting an application, applicants declare their agreement with the terms and conditions of the call for applications. Applications that do not comply with the terms and conditions cannot be considered.
We offer an open digital consultation on the call for applications.
16. May 2024, 2 pm to 3 pm
The consultation will take place via Cisco Webex.
Full link to the Webex consultation:
h ttps://
Further current calls for tenders:
- Call for proposals for production funding 2025
Deadline 3 June 2024
Questions & Answers
You can apply if you are a professional artist in the performing arts for young audiences and live or work in Munich. In addition to actors, dramaturges, directors, set designers, costume designers, etc. can also apply, provided they can prove that they work professionally for young audiences.
Periods of study are not recognised as professional activity, as these are periods of training. People who only work as artists on a part-time basis cannot apply on the basis of this activity alone.
No. The scholarship is only awarded to individuals.
(Accordingly, please click on "Person" when completing the online application. Unfortunately, it is not technically possible to delete the "Institution" input field)
Collaborative work is possible if it serves the purpose of the project.
This is not necessary, but can be helpful to make the project easier to understand. The standard grant amount is 8,000 euros.
It is possible to produce publications, podcasts, short plays or similar as a supplement to your research, but this should not be the main objective of your scholarship project. The focus here is on personal development, in-depth content, research, exchange, networking ...
If the aim of the collaboration with other artists is to create the production, no. If the work is temporary and the aim of the collaboration is to learn and gain inspiration through mutual artistic exchange, yes.
No, not in the sense of a contractual collaboration or other work bound by instructions. If you have the opportunity to gain insights into a (publicly funded, municipal, state) organisation / institution as part of your networking, research work or in the sense of a collegial exchange, this is possible.
The project can be realised in Munich, throughout Germany and abroad.
Yes, you can apply every year. You can submit an application that was not funded in previous years, either unchanged or further developed.
It is not possible to apply for several calls for proposals at the same time with the same project.
You can apply for other calls in parallel if you submit a separate concept for funding for each call. Please note, however, that you must be able to realistically realise all projects.
Your project could not be realised as described in the application? The funds do not have to be repaid if they are used for the intended purpose.
However, the scholarship will be cancelled if the information provided was not truthful and the scholarship was therefore awarded incorrectly. Funds may also be reclaimed if no final report is submitted or the project is not realised. The funds must then be repaid immediately in full, including interest.
Legal basis
All valid submissions are presented to the jury for children's and youth theatre in the independent scene, which is convened by the City Council. It makes a selection and recommends the selected applicants to the City Council.
The final decision will be made by the Culture Committee, probably at its meeting at the end of September 2023, after which the applicants will be notified.
Abteilung 3
Kulturelle Bildung, Internationales,
Urbane Kulturen
Postal address
Landeshauptstadt München
Abteilung 3
Kulturelle Bildung, Internationales,
Urbane Kulturen
Burgstraße 4
80331 München
Fax: +49 89 233-27776
Burgstraße 4
80331 München