If you work professionally in children's and youth theatre in the independent scene, you can apply for a three-year grant from the city.


The Cultural Department of the City of Munich is once again awarding a three-year grant for the independent children's and youth theatre scene in Munich. The maximum amount to be applied for is 10,000 euros per calendar year, or a maximum of 30,000 euros for three years. The total funding amount should be divided equally over the funding period. A total of 150,000 euros is available for the years 2023 to 2025.

The aim is to support professional actors in the independent children's and youth theatre scene in Munich. The funding is intended to enable production-independent measures for structural and/or artistic development and to provide the funding recipients with planning security over three years.

The three-year funding can be applied for to cover non-production-related costs, e.g. for further training, study trips, artistic coaching, networking formats, project-related support with office work (e.g. distribution list creation), creation of professional communication material (e.g. website, photos, films), project-related rental of rehearsal rooms or investments in technology.

Evaluation criteria
Evaluation criteria are in particular

  • Meaningfulness, comprehensibility and realistic realisation of the project idea
  • Meaningfulness and comprehensibility of the calculation
  • recognisable structural and/or artistic development
    (Key question: What should have been achieved after three years?)

The City Council of the City of Munich decides on the awarding of project funding on the recommendation of a jury.

Funding period
The projects mentioned must be realised in the corresponding calendar year.

Application procedure
Each applicant group or individual actor* can only submit one application for three-year funding. It is possible for several applicants to join forces.
An application for 2023 production funding and a 2023 grant can be submitted in parallel.

The general funding guidelines as well as the formal, content-related and qualitative funding criteria of the City of Munich, which you can also find on our website, apply.

The call for tenders for the 2023 to 2025 funding period has ended. The next call for tenders is expected to take place at the beginning of 2025.


Applications are open to individual performers and groups from the performing arts for young audiences who can demonstrate several years of professional and individually distinctive work and whose artistic focus is in Munich.

Required documents

The completed application form (online portal) must be submitted. The following must be enclosed:

  • Project description (detailed for 2023, outlined for 2024 and 2025; maximum four A4 pages)
  • Calculation (detailed for 2023, outlined for 2024 and 2025)
  • Short biography of the applicant(s) and any central participants, description of previous professional activities (training, productions, festival performances, links to videos etc.)

The date of receipt by the City of Munich applies, not the date of submission of the documents in the application portal. It is not possible to submit documents in person to the Cultural Department.

By submitting their application, applicants declare their agreement with the terms and conditions of the call for applications. Applications that do not comply with the call conditions cannot be considered.

Further current calls for applications in the field of performing arts can be found here:

Questions & Answers

Individuals, companies or new associations are eligible to apply, even if they are only formed for this funding (e.g. for a joint training series or the creation of a joint acquisition mailing list). In individual cases, the maximum application amount may be deviated from in the case of mergers of several applicants. In the case of funding, all participants in the initiative are required to sign. If the right of representation has been transferred to one or more members, only these authorised representatives must sign for the grant.

It is not possible to apply for several calls for proposals at the same time with the same project.
You can apply for other calls for proposals in parallel (e.g. for production funding 2023 or for a scholarship 2023) if you submit a separate concept for funding for each call. Please note, however, that you may have to be able to realistically realise all projects.

Yes, an applicant can also submit an application as a member of an initiative, for example, or work on a project for which another organisation is applying for funding.

No. The project must be designed for three years and can include various modules (e.g. in the first year, creation of marketing materials such as films and photos, in the second year, improvement of acquisition opportunities and in the third year, research and training).

Yes, the annual application amounts must be identical. The maximum funding amount per year is 10,000 euros.
The following then applies during implementation: In the event of a commitment, the funding amounts per financial year are fixed. This means that they cannot be postponed.

The funding is paid out per calendar year. A detailed annual concept including a calculation must be submitted in the previous year. Proof of utilisation must be submitted at the end of each funding year.

Three-year funding is project funding and therefore ends after three years. Therefore, please make sure that your project can be completed after three years.

You can find the funding decision for 2020 to 2023 (pilot phase) in the Council information system at https://risi.muenchen.de/risi/sitzungsvorlage/detail/5614467
The evaluation after two years showed that most of the projects have been successfully implemented as planned, although some modules had to be modified due to the pandemic.

As a general rule, please do not state flat rates, but hourly/daily rates and specify the service/activity. For example, fees for the (own) project management, for the creation and professionalisation of advertising materials such as production photos, production trailers, flyers about the company and its plays; also for project-related rental of rehearsal rooms, technical investments as well as travel and participation fees for networking and further training projects are eligible for funding. Permanent expenses such as basic fees and living expenses are not eligible for funding, nor are expenses for the promotion of specific performances.

The Munich City Council decides on funding on the basis of recommendations from the Children's and Youth Theatre Jury. The jury is made up of city council members and expert jurors from the field of children's and youth theatre.

Children's and youth theatre jury for the funding years 2022 to 2024:
Antigone Akgün, Antonia Brix, Jessica Glause, Rudolf Herfurtner, Christian Schönfelder, Dr Ulrike Wörner von Faßmann and alternates Jürgen Decke, Gundula Hölty, Sabine Leucht and Kassandra Wedel; also the city council representatives: Councillor Marion Lüttig (Green Party - Rosa Liste group), Councillor Dr Florian Roth (Green Party - Rosa Liste group), Councillor Beatrix Burkhardt (CSU with FREIE WÄHLER group), Councillor Kathrin Abele (SPD/Volt group), Councillor Tobias Ruff (ÖDP/Munich List group).

Your project cannot be realised as described in the application? If there are any major changes during the realisation of the project, please let us know by e-mail.
The funds do not have to be repaid if they are used for the intended purpose. However, the funding will be cancelled if the information provided was not truthful and the funding was therefore awarded incorrectly. Funds may also be reclaimed if no final report is submitted or the project is not realised. The funds must then be repaid immediately in full, including interest.

Legal basis

All valid submissions are presented to the jury for children's and youth theatre in the independent scene, which is appointed by the City Council. It makes a selection and recommends selected projects to the City Council.
The final decision will be made by the Culture Committee, probably at its meeting at the end of September 2022, after which the applicants will be notified.

Landeshauptstadt München

Abteilung 3
Kulturelle Bildung, Internationales,
Urbane Kulturen


Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Abteilung 3
Kulturelle Bildung, Internationales,
Urbane Kulturen

Burgstraße 4
80331 München

Fax: +49 89 233-27776


Burgstraße 4
80331 München