Second home tax
If you or family members use other flats in Munich in addition to your main residence, you must pay second home tax.
Keeping a second home in addition to the main home goes beyond general living requirements and is therefore taxed as a so-called "special expense". The revenue from the second home tax is channelled into municipal services and infrastructure that benefit all citizens.
A secondary residence is any dwelling that is kept in addition to the main residence for your own living arrangements or for the living arrangements of relatives. If you have a second home in the city of Munich, you are liable to pay tax in Munich - regardless of where your main home is located or whether you have registered the second home as a secondary residence.
Secondary residences do not apply:
- Flats provided by public or non-profit organisations for therapeutic or educational purposes
- Dwellings provided by retirement homes, nursing homes or other facilities for people in need of care
- Flats that spouses who are not permanently separated keep for professional reasons in addition to a main residence outside Munich
- Flats that are located in the same building as the main residence
No taxes are levied for
- Premises that are not used for personal living, such as commercial premises or owner-occupied flats let as investments
- Accommodation for barracked soldiers and police officers
- Rest rooms that are used as part of a standby duty
Required documents
If you have registered a secondary residence in Munich, we will generally send you the "Secondary Residence Tax Declaration" form. You fill out the tax return in full and send it back to the municipal treasury.
If you have not registered your second home as a secondary residence or have not received a form within six months, you must submit the tax return without being asked to do so. Please use the "Secondary residence tax return" form provided here.