Claim for damages against the City of Munich

If you have suffered personal injury, property damage or financial loss as a result of an accident caused by the City of Munich, you can claim compensation.


You can address your civil law claims arising from statutory liability or motor vehicle liability against the City of Munich either to the responsible department of the City of Munich or to the insurance administration in the City Administration.

The assertion of your claims in informal text form to the City Administration - Insurance Administration can be made by post, fax or e-mail.

If you assert your claim against the City of Munich Insurance Administration, the responsible department of the City of Munich will always be involved by the City of Munich Insurance Administration.

Required documents

  • Name and address of the claimant
  • Date of claim
  • Loss location (street, house number, etc.)
  • Description of the course of the damage
  • if possible, sketch of the accident location and/or accident situation

Legal basis

Once all documents relevant to the claim, including the statement of the City of Munich departments concerned, have been received, the claim for damages is forwarded to the respective insurance company with which the city has taken out liability insurance for the relevant incident for further and final processing of the claim for damages.

Further communication with claimants is carried out by the respective insurance company in accordance with the statutory and contractual provisions. Information provided to the City of Munich by claimants will of course be forwarded to the respective insurance company (without notification of the claim).

The decision of the respective insurance company is binding for the City of Munich in accordance with the statutory and contractual provisions.

Landeshauptstadt München

SKA 1.32


Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
SKA 1.32

Marienplatz 8
80331 München

Fax: +49 89 233-12786510


Pilgersheimer Straße 20
81543 München

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