Building consultancy for ongoing construction projects

Information on current planning permission procedures can be obtained directly from the responsible clerk.

Please contact our advice centre for information before submitting your application.

Related services

Advice on neighbour's signature for building application

Owners of neighbouring properties must be involved in the approval process.

Acceptance of temporary structures

Temporary structures must obtain a construction licence before being erected for the first time. As a rule, the installation must be notified at least one week in advance.

Preservation statutes - authorisation of construction measures

You need a permit for structural alterations, changes of use or the demolition of living space in a conservation area.

Special use of urban public green spaces

Anyone wishing to set up a construction site in a public green space or drive on the green space requires a special permit.

Construction measures in public transport areas

Anyone who digs up the ground on public paths, roads or squares, stores or sets up anything, blocks off areas or lays pipes requires a permit.

Advice on building law

If you are planning a new build, conversion or change of use of a building, the LBK advice centre will answer your questions before you submit your application.

Neighbour signatures for building application

Approval of construction projects where the city is a neighbouring property owner.

Building permit

As a rule, you need a building permit from the lower building supervisory authority for construction measures such as new builds, extensions or conversions as well as for changes of use.

Access to building files (central registry)

If you own a property in the Munich city area, you can view the approved building plans for your house and copy them at coin-operated photocopiers on site.

Apply for house number allocation

In the event of structural changes, house numbers are assigned ex officio. Additional house numbers can be issued or existing properties renumbered on request.