Reporting abandoned scrap bikes
Have you discovered a neglected bicycle that is obviously no longer in use? Then report your observation to us using the contact details provided.
If you notice a neglected bike, a scrap bike or a bike that is no longer in use, you can report it to the Building Department by phone or email.
In addition, the Building Department, together with the municipal subsidiary P+R Park & Ride GmbH, regularly checks all roads and pavements within the Mittlerer Ring and removes abandoned bikes and scrap bikes. P+R Park & Ride GmbH proceeds in the following steps:
- Scrap bikes and obviously abandoned bikes are marked with a banderole.
- This band indicates that the bike will be removed after four weeks.
- If the banderole is still intact on the bike after four weeks, P+R Park & Ride GmbH takes the bike away and stores it for two months. The owner can still collect the bike within this period.
Are you looking for your bike or has your bike been removed?
Please get in touch with the building department using the contact details provided or contact P+R Park & Ride GmbH. You can also find information about bike removal on the P+R Park & Ride website at
Your bike has gone missing and you would like to see if it has been handed in to the city's lost property office? Please use the following link to find out:
Unterhalt und Betrieb
Postal address
Landeshauptstadt München
Unterhalt und Betrieb
Friedenstraße 40
81671 München
Fax: +49 89 233-61205
Friedenstraße 40
81671 München