Support for children of pre-school age
If your child is between 4 and 7 years old and you would like to prepare them for school at home, you can use the HIPPY support programme.
HIPPY is an intercultural and integrative programme for parent education and early child development. The HIPPY programme supports parents in promoting their children's development at home between the ages of 4 and 7.
Trained parent trainers, who often come from the cultural background of the participating parents, visit the families at home and practise the HIPPY material with the mothers or fathers. The parents then pass this knowledge on to their children through play. The mum or dad regularly spends 20 to 30 minutes with their child.
The programme also includes regular group meetings. Topics relating to upbringing and education are also discussed here.
All families can take part in the programme.
Children from families where German is not the mother tongue particularly benefit from the family education programme.
A parent should have one hour every fortnight for an introduction to the HIPPY materials and be prepared to play and learn with the child for around 20 to 30 minutes five days a week. The introduction to the HIPPY materials is carried out through role play. Group meetings with other parents from the neighbourhood take place every two to four weeks.
Questions & Answers
Who learns with my child?
Parents learn, play and practise with their child five days a week using the HIPPY materials.
Does a parent trainer come to my home every day?
No, parents carry out the exercises themselves.
How often does the appointment with the parent trainer take place?
Every fortnight, for 1 to 2 hours.
Can I take part if my German is not very good?
Yes, anyone who wants to support their child can take part. Thanks to the variety of materials, the needs of the families are catered for.
Can I take part if I am working or attending a German course?
Legal basis
Angebote für Familien, Frauen und Männer
Postal address
Landeshauptstadt München
Angebote für Familien, Frauen und Männer
Luitpoldstraße 3
80335 München
Fax: +49 89 233-33587
Luitpoldstraße 3
80335 München