Amalgam separator authorisation
If you operate a dental practice, no liquids or substances classified as hazardous may be discharged into the municipal drainage system.
no liquids or substances that are categorised as hazardous according to the municipal drainage regulations (EWS) may be discharged into the municipal drainage system.
Amalgam is a hazardous substance, therefore wastewater containing amalgam must be pretreated and the discharge must be authorised in accordance with the municipal drainage regulations. Furthermore, the discharge of such wastewater from treatment sites in dental practices and dental clinics requires an additional authorisation under water law in accordance with the German Water Resources Act (WHG), as Annex 50 of the German Wastewater Ordinance (AbwV) sets out requirements for the location of wastewater generation (Section 58 (1) of the German Water Resources Act).
if your practice is a group practice or a joint practice, please appoint a representative to whom the authorisation and payment request can be sent.
Münchner Stadtentwässerung (MSE)
SG Genehmigung und Betriebsüberwachung (MSE-41-GB)
Postal address
Landeshauptstadt München
Münchner Stadtentwässerung (MSE)
SG Genehmigung und Betriebsüberwachung (MSE-41-GB)
Friedenstraße 40
81671 München
Friedenstraße 40
81671 München