Residence permit - Qualification as a doctor

If you have a foreign qualification as a doctor and wish to obtain a licence to practise or a professional permit, you will need a residence permit.


The following regulations only apply to you if you are not from the EU, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein or Switzerland.

The legal basis for granting a residence permit for the purpose of "specialist training" depends on which measures (training and further education) are required in the specific case:

  • If the aim is to complete several years of training and further training to become a medical specialist or other further medical training, the issue is based on Section 17 AufenthG.
  • If the applicant has already completed specialist training abroad and this professional qualification acquired abroad is to be recognised in Germany, the permit is issued in accordance with § 17a AufenthG.
  • Prior to training and further education or a professional recognition measure, participation in an intensive language course in accordance with §16b AufenthG is possible.
  • Stays within the framework of work shadowing are possible in accordance with § 7 AufenthG.

Period of validity:
The period of validity of the residence permit depends on the purpose of the stay:

  • The residence permit for training and further education is generally issued for a period of two years and can be extended.
  • The residence permit for the purpose of professional recognition can be issued for a maximum of 18 months. A short-term extension is possible in individual cases and at the end of the specific recognition programme.
  • The residence permit for an intensive language course can be issued for a maximum of 12 months. An extension is not possible.
  • The period of validity of the residence permit as part of a work shadowing programme is determined on a case-by-case basis.

Employment opportunity:
The type and scope of permitted employment can be found in the respective residence permit.

Job search:
After successful completion of training and further education, as well as the professional recognition measure, the doctor may be granted a residence permit to look for a job or to set up as a doctor. The employment sought must correspond to the qualification as a doctor acquired in Germany.

Visa procedure
In many cases, you will need a visa to be allowed to enter Germany. You must apply for a visa at the German embassy or consulate in your home country. The Federal Foreign Office ( will provide you with all the information you need on whether you are authorised to enter Germany with or without a visa.

After entering the country:
You must first register your place of residence at the Citizens Office. To do this, make an appointment online at the Citizens Office. There you will receive a registration certificate. This is often requested by other authorities or institutions as proof that you are registered in Munich.


The requirements for the granting of a residence permit depend on the framework and legal basis on which the residence permit for "specialist training" is to be granted.

Please obtain information on this before entering the country from the relevant state medical association and foreign representation (embassy/consulate) or in Germany in a personal counselling interview at the Foreigners Office.

Required documents

Conditions for granting a residence permit (§ 5 AufenthG)

General information

  • fully completed application form
  • valid passport or passport substitute
  • a biometric passport photo (photo booths are also available at the Foreigners Office)
  • valid visa for entry for the purpose of specialist training/ further training as a specialist/recognition as a doctor, if required
  • Proof of health insurance (insurance card) from a statutory health insurance company. Those with private health insurance must check the type and scope of their health insurance. The insurance must be valid for at least six months. Traveller's health insurance is not sufficient. Further information can be found here.
  • Proof of means of subsistence: blocked account at a German bank for at least 10,332 euros/ a declaration of commitment/ scholarship certificate/ notarised declaration from parents that they will provide for the student's means of subsistence for the duration of their training or further education, with proof of their parents' income for the last three months
  • Tenancy agreement

additionally for specialist training

  • Proof of training/ further education
  • Training/employment contract
  • Training/ further training plan
  • temporary professional licence in accordance with Section 10 of the Federal Medical Code (Bundesärzteordnung) Alternatively: Advance approval from the relevant examination office for the granting of the professional licence (state medical association)
  • Proof of the required language skills (B1 in the regulated healthcare profession)

additionally for a preparatory intensive language course

  • Proof of foreign qualification as a doctor
  • Invitation letter/registration confirmation from the provider of the recognition measure or
  • Confirmation from the clinic where the training is to be started
  • Proof of the required language skills at least A1
  • Confirmation from the course provider of the intensive language course booked

additionally for a work shadowing programme

  • Proof of foreign qualification as a doctor
  • Work shadowing plan (duration and scope)

Further documents may be required in individual cases.

Duration & Costs

Processing time

10-12 weeks


First licence: up to 100 Euro

Extension: up to 96 Euro

Payment methods available

Legal basis

  • § Section 17 Residence Act
  • § Section 17a Residence Act
  • § Section 16b Residence Act
  • § Section 7 Residence Act
  • § Section 18 (4) Residence Act

Landeshauptstadt München

Hauptabteilung II Bürgerangelegenheiten

Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Hauptabteilung II Bürgerangelegenheiten

Ruppertstraße 19
80466 München

Fax: +49 89 233-45497


Ruppertstraße 19
80337 München

Lagehinweis: Eingang A

Only with appointment

Related services

Qualification support Service

Do you own a professional qualification or degree from abroad?
Are you looking for a suitable qualification measure?
We will find the right solution with you.

Emergency assistance in the absence of a residence permit

You do not have a sufficiently valid residence permit, but need urgent help in an emergency?

Counselling on the entry of foreign skilled workers

If your company would like to employ foreign skilled workers, we can advise you on entry options and the recognition procedure.

Residence permit – recognition of qualifications

If you still need to acquire skills for the full recognition of your professional qualification, you can apply for a residence permit for this period.

Emergency assistance in the absence of a residence permit - students, university graduates, self-employed persons

Are you a student, university graduate or self-employed, do you not have a sufficiently valid residence permit and need urgent help in an emergency?

Residence permit - skilled workers with academic training

If you have completed your studies outside Germany, you can apply for a residence permit for qualified employment.

Counselling for nursing staff from abroad

Are you working in nursing abroad or have you completed your nursing training abroad?

Residence permit - doctoral candidates

If you come from a third country and would like to complete a doctoral programme in Munich, you will need a residence permit.

Residence permit - Qualified tolerated persons

Do you have a tolerated stay permit and would like to pursue employment that corresponds to your professional qualifications? Then you need a residence permit.

Emergency assistance for residence permits - employees, relatives

Are you an employee or family member who does not have a sufficiently valid residence permit and urgently need help in an emergency?