Financial support for clothing
Financial support for the necessary initial equipment with clothing and shoes, but not for additional purchases.
Entitled to benefits:
- Persons who receive ongoing benefits in accordance with SGB XII (social assistance)
- Persons who do not receive ongoing benefits under SGB XII but belong to the corresponding group of persons under SGB XII and are unable to cover their initial clothing requirements from their own resources and means.
Range of services:
- The expenses for the replacement of clothing and shoes are included in the monthly standard requirement - no additional benefits for replacement are granted
- For the initial provision of clothing and shoes (e.g. after release from prison, in the event of a house fire...) an additional one-off cash benefit is granted (if an application is submitted before procurement)
Special contact points
- Deaf residents of Munich should contact the Social Service for the Deaf.
- Munich residents without their own flat should contact the Central Assistance Centre for the Homeless.
Required documents
- Justification
- Notification of benefits according to SGB XII or proof of income and assets
Legal basis
§ Section 31 (1) No. 2 of the German Social Code, Twelfth Book (SGB XII)