BAföG - University or university of applied sciences in Austria

Are you studying in Austria or completing a semester abroad or an internship there and would like to apply for educational support (BAföG)?


If you are attending a university, college or university of applied sciences in Austria, you may be eligible for educational support (BAföG). The same applies if you complete a compulsory internship or semester abroad in Austria as part of your higher education programme in Germany.

Half of the training grant is awarded as a subsidy and half as a loan.

The basic requirement is

  • 534 euros per month if you live with your parents.
  • 855 euros per month if you do not live with your parents.


Education grants (BAföG) can be awarded for attending a university, college or university of applied sciences in Austria for the duration of the standard period of study. Funding is available for complete degree programmes (e.g. Bachelor's, Master's or similar), but also for compulsory internships and semesters abroad.

You must be attending a university, college or university of applied sciences in Austria or

You are completing a compulsory internship or a semester abroad in Austria.

Your parents' income from the calendar year before last is taken into account in the calculation.

If you are not covered by family health and long-term care insurance (with proof!), this amount may increase.

Required documents

You must present the following documents:

  • Copy of your passport as an EU citizen or residence permit as a non-EU citizen
  • Form 1 (application for educational support, curriculum vitae: please fill out without gaps and to the month from the end of primary school)
  • Certificate of health and long-term care insurance (if you are not covered by family insurance)
  • A copy of your tenancy agreement (if you do not live with your parents)
  • Certificate of study / study sheet (your application can only be approved after receipt of the proof of study. You should therefore submit this as soon as it is available)
  • Form 3 (Income declarations from your parents and, if applicable, spouse or partner): from both parents and, if applicable, spouse or partner based on their income from the calendar year before last
  • Form 6 (supplementary sheet for education abroad)
  • Income tax assessment notice(s) of the parents and, if applicable, spouse or partner from the calendar year before last
  • School or study certificate or training contract for siblings (if applicable to you)

If applicable to you:

  • Internship contract (if you are completing an internship in Austria)
  • Erasmus notification or training grant form (for semesters abroad)
  • Certificate of achievement according to § 48 BAföG (form 5) filled out by the domestic university or collective certificate from the Austrian university for complete studies in Austria (when applying for the 5th semester of the Bachelor's programme)
  • Certificate in accordance with § 15 para. 3a BAföG (graduation grant if the standard period of study is exceeded)
  • if you are changing subject area: written justification for the change (generally after the start of the third semester), certificate of enrolment for the new degree programme, certificate of exmatriculation from the old degree programme
  • if applicable, notification of recognition of academic achievements from the old degree programme for the new degree programme
  • if applicable, confirmation from the university that you will be placed in a higher semester

You can find the forms under the heading "Forms & Links".

Duration & Costs

Processing time

The processing time varies from case to case. Submit your application at least four months before the start of the period for which you are applying for funding. This is the only way the grant can be paid out on time.

Related services

BAföG - part-time advanced training (AFBG)

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BAföG - Vocational school, two to three years

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BAföG - Vocational school in Austria

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