BAföG - Application for educational support

Trainees who do not have enough money for their training can apply for training assistance under the Federal Training Assistance Act (BAföG).


Trainees who do not have enough money to cover their living costs and training may be entitled to training assistance. To do so, they must fulfil the requirements of the Federal Training Assistance Act (BAföG). In order to receive training assistance, you must submit an application in good time. Training grants can only be paid from the beginning of the month in which the application is submitted. Please note that it can take several months for the application to be processed.
 please note:

  1. Are you studying at a university or university of applied sciences in Munich? Then please contact the Munich Student Union.
  2. Are you completing a (higher) education programme in Austria? Then please contact the Office for Training and Advancement Promotion of the City of Munich.

Please note:
In the school sector, the Office for Training and Advancement Assistance of the City of Munich (AfA München) is generally responsible if the parents of the trainee live in Munich. However, there are also cases in which the trainees must live in Munich for the AfA Munich to be responsible. The AfA Munich is also responsible if the specialised academy, evening school or college (including BOS) is in Munich.
 telephone counselling
If you have any questions, please dial the direct extension to your contact person. You will find the appropriate telephone number and the telephone office hours of your contact person on the page Counselling on BAföG and AFBG benefits if you enter your surname there.
 telephone office hours of the counselling service:
Wednesday 1 p.m. to 3 p.m
Friday 10 a.m. to 12 p.m
Office hours may vary depending on the responsible contact person.

Required documents

Which documents are required depends on the individual case. You can find the application forms on the Internet at

Related services

BAföG - Secondary school from grade 10

Are you attending secondary school from year 10 and would like to apply for educational support?

BAföG - Vocational secondary school (BOS), preliminary class

Are you attending the 11th grade or preliminary class of the BOS and would like to apply for educational support?

BAföG - Vocational school, one year

Are you attending a one-year vocational college and would like to apply for training assistance (BAföG)?

BAföG - Evening grammar school

Are you attending an evening grammar school in Munich and would like to apply for BAföG?

BAföG - part-time advanced training (AFBG)

Anyone who undertakes part-time vocational training and fulfils the requirements of the Upgrading Training Assistance Act (AFGB) receives upgrading BAföG.

BAföG - Fachakademie

Are you attending a specialised academy in Munich and would like to apply for a training grant?

BAföG - University or university of applied sciences in Austria

Are you studying in Austria or completing a semester abroad or an internship there and would like to apply for educational support (BAföG)?

BAföG - Vocational preparation year (BVJ)

Are you attending a vocational preparation year and would like to apply for training assistance?

BAföG - Fachoberschule (FOS)

Are you attending a specialised secondary school (FOS) and would like to apply for educational support?

BAföG - Basic vocational training year

Are you attending the basic vocational training year and would like to apply for training assistance?