If you organise concerts or other different event formats, including music festivals of all genres, you can apply for funding.


In 2025, the City of Munich will award a total of 45,000 euros in funding for various event formats in the field of pop music throughout the year. Funding of between 1,500 euros and 5,000 euros can be applied for.

This funding is intended to support individual concerts and concert series as well as other different event formats, including music festivals of all genres of pop music, which are to be realised at short notice in the current calendar year. In particular, formats that are dedicated to programmes outside of the so-called mainstream and significantly involve Munich artists in the programme are to be supported.

The Department of Culture wants to help ensure that musicians of all genders are involved in shaping Munich's pop music scene. So far, men have been significantly overrepresented. This call for applications is therefore explicitly aimed at people of all genders.

The award is made by the Department of Culture through administrative channels and with the advice of a member of the Feierwerk's Pop Department. After the event(s) have been completed, the applicants will submit the proof of use and a factual report to the Department of Culture.

Objective: This call for applications is based on a broad understanding of pop music - meaning all genres of pop music such as hip-hop, metal, reggae, techno, blues and all its sub-genres of any kind.

The pop music event grant is intended as a supplement to the so-called "pop music programme funding for non-commercial concert series in smaller music venues and music festivals", which is announced annually for events in the following year. See www.muenchen.de/pop-programmfoerderung.

We will inform you as soon as possible (usually within one month) about the success of your application. Unfortunately, applications that are not submitted by the deadline cannot be considered and must be resubmitted by the next submission deadline.

Application deadlines
The following submission deadlines apply for the pop music event grant:

  • 27.03.2025 (for projects from mid-May to October 2025)
  • 18.07.2025 (for projects from mid-September to December 2025)
  • 16.11.2025 (for projects from January to May 2026)


  • Organisers with and without their own venue who plan concerts and concert series, but also other event formats in smaller music venues or off-locations of comparable size or music festivals within Munich and whose main focus of work is anchored in Munich are eligible to apply.
  • Organisers are all people who are involved in the organisation, conception and implementation of concerts and/or festivals, regardless of whether they are musicians, cultural associations, collectives, DJs or professional, full-time organisers in the pop music sector.
  • Munich musicians are significantly involved in the programme. Creative approaches are particularly welcome.
  • Institutionally funded organisations are not eligible to apply.
  • Special condition for funding: The largest event space used must not exceed a visitor capacity of 800 people.
  • For open-air events, no more than 1,500 visitors may be expected per event day.

Required documents

The application must contain the following information:

  • a fully completed application form
  • a concrete description of the programme project (ideally including links to potential performing artists)
  • a calculation of the project with all planned income and expenses
  • (brief) biographical details of the organising institution or, in the case of private individuals, of the organisers with a description of projects realised to date
  • a substantive justification if the proportion of FINTA* (women, intersex, non-binary, transgender or agender) people involved in the events does not correspond to a balanced proportion of around 50 per cent of the participating artists and people involved in the production as a whole
  • Outline of measures to enable people with disabilities to participate in the audience at the planned events
  • Presentation of the planned measures to promote the project

All documents must be summarised in a PDF and received by the Cultural Department by 11.59 pm on the respective closing date. The PDF must not exceed 5 MB in size and must be named as follows: Surname_Project title

After sending your e-mail, you will receive an automatic reply from us. This e-mail does not confirm whether the application has been submitted in full and on time. If you do not receive this automatic reply e-mail within 30 minutes, please contact us ( tanja.mottl@muenchen.de Tel. 089 233 28531orheike.lies@muenchen.de)

If it is not possible for you to send the application by e-mail as a PDF, you can send your documents by post in a single copy by the closing date in exceptional cases.

Cultural Department of the City of Munich
Department 1
Tanja Mottl - Pop Music Event Grant
Burgstraße 4
80331 Munich

Please note: For postal submissions, the date of receipt applies, not the postmark! As the documents cannot be returned, we ask that only copies of sound recordings (or similar) be submitted by post. Application documents can be submitted in DIN A4 format at most.

Legal basis

By submitting an application, the applicant agrees to the terms and conditions of the call for applications and confirms that his/her main place of work is in Munich. Applications that do not comply with the conditions of the call for applications cannot be considered.

Landeshauptstadt München

Abteilung 1
Bildende Kunst, Darstellende
Kunst, Film, Literatur, Musik,
Stadtgeschichte, Wissenschaft

Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Abteilung 1
Bildende Kunst, Darstellende
Kunst, Film, Literatur, Musik,
Stadtgeschichte, Wissenschaft

Burgstraße 4
80331 München

Fax: +49 89 233-21269


Burgstraße 4
80331 München

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