If you can prove that you are a professional dancer, you can apply for optional funding in the field of dance.


Applications for this funding can be submitted by independent dance professionals who can point to several years of successful, individually distinctive work with recognisable public and supra-regional resonance in Munich.
Artistic work can thus be sustainably developed over a period of three years. Artists funded with the option grant should create and perform at least two productions or, alternatively, a production cycle that develops over the funding period.

The annual production grants can be used for the creation of new productions as well as for revivals of productions and guest performances.
Production-independent and production-dependent costs can be subsidised equally.

Maximum amount per application and year: 100,000 euros

The deadline for applications for option grants 2025-2027 in the field of performing arts ends on Monday, 03 June 2024, 11.59 pm, as the deadline 01.06.2024 falls on a Saturday.


  • Proven professional work
  • Distinct artistic individuality
  • Positive interest from audience and critics
  • Focus on Munich

Required documents

  • Concept for the three-year period and project description for the first year of funding (max. 5 A4 pages)

    Please note that the amount of the grant applied for should be recognisable in the calculations and should be as identical as possible for each year.

    as far as possible, non-production-related and production-related income and expenditure should be separated in the calculation (see below).
  • Brief biographies of the artistic team and details of a reference production by the applicant (title, year of performance, location, links to videos etc. if applicable)
  • Rough calculation for the three-year period and meaningful calculation for the first year of funding including a breakdown of fees

Please note that the amount of the grant applied for should be recognisable in the calculations and should be as identical as possible for each year.

As far as possible, production-independent and production-dependent income and expenditure should be separated in the calculation (see below).

Questions & Answers

No, the option grant is a deriannual grant and is not issued every year.

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You can also apply as an individual artist.

Yes, then only net contributions are to be taken into account in the calculation.

Only three files can be uploaded in the online procedure (3-year concept with project description for the first year, short biographies and the calculation).
If you would like to add further information to the application, this is only possible as part of the project description.

No; once your application has been submitted, it can no longer be amended.

In the event of a positive funding decision, changes are possible as part of the project realisation. These must be notified in writing to the Cultural Department, Dept. 5.

In principle, the following are recognised

  1. non-production-related expenditure that is necessary to secure an own infrastructure or for its development and
  2. production-related expenditure (new productions, revivals and guest performances)

If possible and appropriate, non-production-dependent and production-dependent income and expenditure should be separated in the calculation; in addition, non-production-dependent expenditure should be explained in more detail. The time limit and the specific objective must be clear.

Additional support from the Department of Culture (e.g. payment of rents for performance venues or similar) is generally not envisaged. It should be noted that expenses for general living expenses may not be financed from the grant.
Furthermore, it is not permitted to recognise imputed costs (e.g. own rent-free rooms, fictitious rents, depreciation) and expenses for which there is no legal obligation (e.g. tips, gifts, etc.).

If an input tax deduction can be claimed for the measures applied for, only net amounts are to be included in the calculation.

Legal basis

The applications submitted will be reviewed by the independent theatre and dance jury. The award recommendations are based on the principles and guidelines for the funding of current performing arts from 2025 to 2027. The City Council is expected to decide on the awarding of optional funding in the dance and theatre sector in autumn 2024 on the recommendation of the juries. As the optional funding is awarded for three years, no applications are possible for 2026 and 2027.

Landeshauptstadt München

Abteilung 1
Bildende Kunst, Darstellende
Kunst, Film, Literatur, Musik,
Stadtgeschichte, Wissenschaft

Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Abteilung 1
Bildende Kunst, Darstellende
Kunst, Film, Literatur, Musik,
Stadtgeschichte, Wissenschaft

Burgstraße 4
80331 München

Fax: +49 89 233-21269


Burgstraße 4
80331 München