Commitment as a school crossing patrol assistant

Would you like to dedicate your time to schoolchildren and help us to improve safety on the way to school? We will be happy to advise and support you.


the Mobility Department offers you the opportunity to work as a volunteer school crossing patrol assistant in our urban community.

Over 500 volunteers are already working at the authorised and secured locations at primary and special schools in the City of Munich.

Help us and get involved as a school crossing patrol volunteer!

school crossing guards have the valuable task of preventing children from crossing the road unintentionally and ensuring that they cross the road safely together. They also emphasise the special duty of care that road users have towards children, but do not have any police powers.

  • for your voluntary work, you will also receive an expense allowance of 8 euros (net) from the City of Munich for every hour or part thereof. If you are deployed more than twice a day, you can receive a maximum of 20 euros per day.
  • You will receive weatherproof yellow warning clothing and a trowel so that you can be recognised as a school crossing patrol helper.
  • During your work itself and on the direct route to and from your place of work, you are insured against accidents with the Bavarian Municipal Accident Insurance (KUVB). This insurance is free of charge for you.
  • You will be at your place of work for about half an hour before and/or after the lessons.
  • One location can also be supervised by several volunteers.


It is often parents and relatives of schoolchildren who help to ensure a safe journey to school. However, any adult who fulfils the following requirements can help with the school route service:

  • You are of legal age and physically fit,
  • You are reliable and punctual,
  • You can stand outside in all weathers and always remain calm and organised, even under stress or in difficult situations.

Civic engagement takes place everywhere in urban society - regardless of origin, gender, religion or ideology, disability, age, sexual identity or orientation.

It is important for the volunteer school route services that you have sufficient knowledge of German to understand the police instructions on site. If you have a residence permit, this must authorise gainful employment so that you can receive the expense allowance.

We look forward to meeting you!

Required documents

Please send us an e-mail with your

  • Surname
  • First names
  • Date of birth
  • Your address
  • Telephone number.

We will get in touch with you as soon as possible. Alternatively, you can also contact us by telephone.

Questions & Answers

  • School crossing patrols are adults who work on a voluntary basis for the City of Munich and receive an expense allowance in return. The contact person is the Mobility Department.
  • School crossing patrols are pupils who help younger children at their school to cross the road. The school crossing guard teams are organised directly at the respective school and supervised by the police.
Landeshauptstadt München



Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München

80313 München


Sendlinger Straße 1
80331 München

Please contact us in writing.

Related services

Award "Munich thanks!"

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Carers for holiday activities

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Munich thanks! Pupils

Award from the City of Munich for students who volunteer at school

Mosaik Youth Award - with diversity against racism

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Honorary judges

in 2024, honorary judges will be elected for the Bavarian Administrative Court in Munich. If you are interested, you can put your name down.

Taking on voluntary care

If you want to support people with support needs, you can take on a legal guardianship.

Bavarian volunteer card

If you have been volunteering for at least 250 hours a year for more than two years, you can receive numerous benefits with the volunteer card.

Application for the office of lay judge

Lay assessors are honorary judges in the criminal justice system at local and regional courts.

Certificate of good conduct for volunteers

You can find all the information you need for an (extended) certificate of good conduct for your voluntary work in a non-profit or comparable organisation here.

Promotion of projects against right-wing extremism and racism

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