Operating cost support for parent-child initiatives (EKI)

If you run a daycare centre as a parent-child initiative, you can receive financial support for your childcare places.


The following subsidies are possible:

  • The EKI funding model is a pro rata funding model and provides for 80 per cent funding of personnel costs and ancillary personnel costs in ongoing operations, as well as 80 per cent of rental costs.
  • During ongoing operations, material costs are only granted for measures that are necessary for child protection or the occupational health and safety of staff.
  • In the case of newly established centres and relocations, material costs for conversion measures and initial equipment can be granted.

Assumption of personnel costs for newly established centres:

Personnel costs can be covered 100 per cent by the City of Munich up to four weeks before the start of childcare and up to six months after the start. After that, 80 per cent of the costs are subsidised.

Subsidies for premises for new start-ups:

The rent and ancillary rental costs are subsidised by 80 percent up to eight weeks before the start of childcare. The remodelling of the premises and initial equipment can also be subsidised. The rental period must be at least five years.

Reimbursement for reduced fees:

If you charge your parental fees in accordance with the EKI-Plus guideline, you can apply for compensation payments for the lost parental fees.
Only childcare places for children who are resident in the city of Munich are subsidised on a pro rata basis.


  • The daycare centre is founded, organised and run by parents.
  • The parent-child initiative (EKI) fulfils the criteria of family self-help in accordance with the Munich quality criteria
  • The EKI is registered as a non-profit organisation.
  • The EKI has a valid operating licence.
  • The BayKiBiG funding requirements according to Art. 19 BayKiBiG are met.
  • The childcare centre is open to all children and parents in Munich. There are no ideological, religious or political grounds for exclusion.
  • Parents' fees are listed on the organisation's homepage and public reference is made to the municipal funding provided by the City of Munich.
  • Participation in the allocation of places via kita finder+ is desirable.
  • Data maintenance of the children in the EKI is mandatory via kita finder+.
  • Participation in the annual daycare centre statistics is mandatory
  • The funding requirements are described in Part I of the EKI funding model guidelines

Required documents

  • Copy of the operating licence
  • Educational concept in accordance with the requirements of the German Social Security Code and the Bavarian Education and Upbringing Plan
  • Centre-related child protection concept
  • Munich agreement on child protection, signed by the management board

Duration & Costs


The application for operating cost support is free of charge.

Landeshauptstadt München

Referat für Bildung und Sport
Geschäftsbereich KITA
Abteilung Freie Träger
Team Freigemeinnützige und sonstige Träger


Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Referat für Bildung und Sport
Geschäftsbereich KITA
Abteilung Freie Träger
Team Freigemeinnützige und sonstige Träger

Bayerstraße 28
80335 München

Fax: +49 89 233-84193


Landsberger Straße 30
80339 München

Related services

Staff approval for day care centres

If you would like to employ a specialist or supplementary pedagogical employee without a recognised qualification, you must apply for personnel approval.

Reimbursement of fee reduction according to EKI-Plus

If your parent-child initiative receives benefits from the EKI funding model, you can apply for compensation for lost parental fees via EKI Plus.

Carrier selection process for daycare centre buildings

If you want to run a day-care centre as an operator, you can apply for a municipal building.

Operating licence for day care centres

If you would like to open a daycare centre, you must apply for an operating licence.

Report personnel changes (§47 SGB VIII)

As an independent provider of a child day care centre in Munich, you must notify the City of Munich immediately of any changes in personnel.

Investment cost support for day-care centres

If you would like to receive an investment cost subsidy for non-urban day care centres, you can submit an application.