Official medical examination - appointment as a civil servant

Prospective civil servants must submit a medical certificate from a public health officer confirming their medical suitability for appointment as a probationary or permanent civil servant.


As part of the recruitment procedure for civil servants, applicants in the civil service are requested by their recruitment authorities to submit a medical certificate confirming their medical fitness for appointment as a probationary or permanent civil servant.

  • Please make an appointment online
  • Please enclose the following documents with your application:
    • Questionnaire, please be sure to include your telephone number, mobile phone number and e-mail address
    • Basis for assessment
    • Investigation request from the future service authority
  • Please refrain from making telephone enquiries about your agreed appointments. If you have any problems with the booking, please send us a message to the e-mail address given in the registration form.

Special rules apply to trainee teachers.


Appointments will only be made if all documents are available!

Required documents

For registration:

  • Examination request from the future employer (with declaration of assumption of costs if applicable)
  • completed questionnaire
  • completed assessment basis

For the examination:

  • ID (passport, identity card or driving licence)
  • if available, documents and findings from treating physicians, hospital reports, etc.

Duration & Costs

Processing time

Approx. 2 weeks after the examination, longer for difficult medical issues


approx. 90 to 300 euros (primarily covered by the employer or, in most cases, reimbursed by the employer after taking up the position).

Questions & Answers

In principle, the same strict confidentiality regulations apply to medical officers as to doctors providing treatment. The medical reports prepared by the department are limited to a summarised assessment of the examination with close reference to the questions posed in the order. The clients therefore only receive the examination results that they need for their personnel decisions. Everything that goes beyond this (e.g. diagnosis, own and external findings) remains in our records and is subject to medical confidentiality and data protection regulations.

Legal basis

Civil service legislation

Landeshauptstadt München

Ärztliche Gutachten
Ärztlicher Bereich


Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Ärztliche Gutachten
Ärztlicher Bereich

Schwanthalerstraße 69
80336 München

Fax: +49 89 233-66809


Schwanthalerstraße 69
80336 München

Room: 330/331


  • Mon 07:45 - 12:00
    13:00 - 15:00
  • Tue 07:45 - 12:00
    13:00 - 15:00
  • Wed 07:45 - 12:00
    13:00 - 15:00
  • Thu 07:45 - 12:00
    13:00 - 15:00
  • Fri 07:45 - 12:00
  • Sat Closed
  • Sun Closed


  • Available:Barrier-free access
  • Not available:Disabled parking

Es befindet sich ein behindertengerechter Zugang sowie behindertengerechte Sanitäreinrichtungen im Gebäude.

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