Living will

With a living will, you specify in advance which treatment and life-sustaining measures you would like to receive from the doctors treating you in an emergency.


If you are no longer able to decide on your own medical treatment, a living will can help. In the advance directive, you can specify in advance which measures should and should not be taken in specific cases of illness.

Refer to your living will in a health care proxy or care directive and inform your authorised representative or carer. This will ensure that the wishes in your living will can be honoured if necessary.

Note: A living will does not need to be notarised.


As long as you are capable of giving consent, you can draw up, amend or revoke your living will at any time.

Required documents

You can use the template provided by the Munich care centre or write your own document. Your wishes must be clearly stated in the document. It is also important that the specific illness situations are clearly described. We recommend that you seek medical advice when drawing up a living will.

The template is included in the "Form set of the Munich Care Centre", which you can download under "Forms and links". Printed copies are available from the care centre or at the information desks in the social centres. We will send you up to two powers of attorney by post if you send us a stamped envelope with 1.60 euros.

Questions & Answers

A medical or legal review is not mandatory. However, a medical consultation can be helpful to ensure that the living will is completed correctly.
It makes sense to leave a copy of the living will with your family doctor or to inform a trusted person of the other storage location.

There is no obligation to do so. However, you should re-sign your living will every one to two years to confirm that it is up to date.

The Munich guardianship associations will provide you with personalised information close to your home and free of charge. You can also obtain information on living wills and other advance directives from the care centre of the City of Munich.

Legal basis

  • §§ 1814 ff. BGB
  • Guardianship Authorities Act (BtBG)
  • Act on the Procedure in Family Matters and in Matters of Non-Contentious Jurisdiction (FamFG)
  • Social Codes

Landeshauptstadt München

Schuldner- und Insolvenzberatung, Betreuungsstelle


Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Schuldner- und Insolvenzberatung, Betreuungsstelle

Mathildenstraße 3a
80336 München

Fax: +49 89 233-25056


Mathildenstraße 3a
80336 München

Telephone consultation hours:
Monday to Friday: 9 am to 12 pm
Thursday: 2 to 4 pm

Related services

Official medical assessment - entitlement to child benefit in the event of illness

If your adult child is ill for longer than six months and has to interrupt their education, you can provide proof of entitlement to child benefit with an expert opinion.

Official medical assessment - necessity of a spa treatment (aid)

According to the new legal situation, an official medical report is generally no longer required for an application for rehabilitation or spa treatment.

Medication assistance

Munich pharmacies have agreed to provide prescription-free medication to Munich residents in need at a reduced price.

Advice from the patient representative

The patient representative takes up questions, concerns, problems, but also praise from patients in Munich and provides information about counselling and complaints offices.

Gynaecological outpatient clinic for the uninsured - MAGGY

If you do not have adequate health insurance or do not have access to medical care, you can visit our gynaecological consultation.

Medical rehabilitation

If you would like to apply for medical rehabilitation, you can make an appointment in person.

Official medical assessment - examination eligibility

Students of law (law students) can have their examination eligibility assessed by the forensic medical service.

Medical certificate for carrying narcotics

If you are carrying medically necessary anaesthetics with you when travelling, you can have your medical certificates or attestations authenticated.