Care, integration and accommodation of refugees

If you are homeless in Munich and have fled from another country, there is the possibility of temporary accommodation with socio-pedagogical support.


The programme is aimed at homeless refugee families and individuals who are dependent on self-contained accommodation and socio-educational support due to special needs. These include refugees with health restrictions or medical needs, refugees from the Humanitarian Admission Programme, resettlement or refugees with an LGBTIQ* background. The target group also includes young adults (usually aged 18 to 27) with a history of flight or migration who are in school or training.

  • We offer the possibility of temporary accommodation in housing projects, flats or shared flats. The accommodation is temporary and can be extended if there is good co-operation and a need for support.
  • We teach basic skills for running an independent household
    • Support with the various requirements of living in a flat in order to be able to (keep) your own flat permanently (e.g. maintaining the flat, organising financial matters such as electricity and rent).
  • We arrange permanent accommodation or suitable follow-up accommodation with low-threshold, needs-orientated further support; on request for up to 18 months after moving out.
  • We provide support in school, training and university. The aim is successful completion and subsequent permanent integration into the labour market.
  • We support social participation and integration.

Once you have submitted all the necessary documents, we will add you to our waiting list. As soon as a suitable place is available, you will be contacted by us and invited to a joint interview directly at the housing project or flat. We will then decide whether and when it is possible for you to move in. If you reject the place without a valid reason, you will not receive any further offers from us for the time being.

If you are already on our waiting list, please note the re-registration deadlines:
In order to confirm that there is still a need for our offer, you must send us a binding e-mail every twelve months (from 1 December at the earliest, by 31 December at the latest). In your message, please state your name, date of birth and brief information about any changes to the original notification. If we do not receive any feedback, we will assume that there is no longer a need. You will then be removed from our waiting list.


  • Willingness to co-operate with the specialists.
  • You must be registered in Munich, homeless or at risk of homelessness.

    The following additional requirements apply to young adults:
  • Generally between the ages of 18 and 27
  • Existing training relationship (work or school)

Required documents

  • Completed and signed notification of need for families, individuals or young adults
  • Signed data protection consent (attached to the notification of need)
  • Copies of the identity cards, residence permits of all persons who wish to move in
  • Further proof, these can be
    • Proof of school, training, studies (mandatory for the waiting list for young adults)
    • Employment contract
    • Medical documents (e.g. certificates, proof of disability, medical reports)

Questions & Answers

Yes, there are costs for the accommodation. The persons enter into a public-law user relationship with the City of Munich. Accordingly, fees are charged in accordance with the relevant statutes. The fees vary depending on the type of accommodation (housing project or flat) and the person's professional/school situation.

No. The selection of people on the waiting lists is made by the staff and depends on the respective needs and the places available in the housing projects, flats and shared flats. Due to the limited capacity, there is no entitlement to accommodation or a specific form of accommodation.

No. The accommodation is temporary. The aim is to find your own accommodation. Accommodation is provided on the basis of the statutory municipal accommodation obligation for homeless households and the legal requirements for the accommodation of refugees in need of protection. It does not constitute permanent accommodation and is limited in time.

The educational staff will help you apply for social benefits (Social Security Code (SBG) II, SGB XII; Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act (AsylbLG)).

I have to update my documents every six months or every year (feedback to the respective e-mail inbox).

Landeshauptstadt München

Wohnen und Betreuen von unbegleiteten minderjährigen und heranwachsenden Flüchtlingen


Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Wohnen und Betreuen von unbegleiteten minderjährigen und heranwachsenden Flüchtlingen

Werinherstraße 89
81541 München


Werinherstraße 89
81541 München

Telephone availability:
Wednesday from 9am to 11am


Young adults:

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