Severely disabled person's pass

People with a degree of disability (GdB) of at least 50 can identify themselves with a severely disabled person's pass.


The severely disabled person's pass is used to identify oneself as a severely disabled person to employers, social benefit providers, authorities and so on.

You are considered severely disabled if the degree of disability (GdB) is proven to be 50 or more.

The GdB is entered on the back of the ID card. It can also be changed at a later date, but only after a re-examination.

The severely disabled person's pass is issued for a maximum of five years. Only in cases where a reassessment of the GdB is not to be expected due to a significant change in the health circumstances that were decisive for the assessment can the card be issued for an unlimited period.

In any case, you should think about renewing your severely disabled person's pass in good time - about three months before it expires.

Duration & Costs

Processing time

On average 3 months.

Legal basis

Social Code IX (SGB IX)

Severely Disabled Persons' ID Card Ordinance (SchwbAwV)

Zentrum Bayern Familie und Soziales - Region Oberbayern


Postal address

Fax: +49 89 18966-1499


Bayerstraße 32
80335 München

Montag bis Freitag von 8 bis 12 Uhr

Related services

Official medical report - Exceptional burdens

At the request of your tax authority, you can apply for official medical reports on special expenses and burdens within the framework of income tax law.

Exemption from the identification requirement

Under certain conditions, you may be exempt from the general identification requirement.

Gynaecological consultation for mobility restrictions

If you have limited mobility and are dependent on aids such as a wheelchair, you can visit the gynaecological consultation.

Anti-discrimination counselling for people with disabilities

If you experience discrimination because of your disability, we will advise you free of charge about your legal options.

Inclusion contact points

Advice and networking in the neighbourhood on the topics of accessibility and participation of people with disabilities.

Social services for the deaf

We advise deaf and hearing-impaired Munich residents and their relatives who use sign language.

Transport service for people with disabilities

The district of Upper Bavaria has been responsible for transport assistance for people with disabilities since 2009.

Counselling for people with disabilities and their relatives

Advice on all aspects of disability, anti-discrimination, integration and inclusion.