Promotion of self-help in the social sector

If you offer a self-help group or self-organised initiative, you can apply for grants for material and personnel costs for the first eight years.


Self-organised initiatives and self-help groups can receive start-up funding from the social self-help budget, which is generally granted for up to eight years.

  • Eligible costs: The costs of administration, public relations, rooms, measures, purchases, further training, contributions, themed weekends or lectures can be subsidised as material costs; personnel costs can only be covered from the second year of funding onwards. In principle, the group members themselves should contribute according to their competences.
  • Maximum funding amount: An initiative or an association of individuals without a legal form can apply for a grant of up to 8,000 euros. For other legal forms such as associations, non-profit organisations (gUG, gGmbH) or foundations, the grant amount is not capped.
  • Obligatory personal contribution: You must bear at least 10 per cent of the costs yourself. For example, if you show costs totalling 10,000 euros in your application, the municipal grant can amount to a maximum of 9,000 euros. 1.000 euros must be contributed by you. You can raise your own funds through donations, bazaars or membership fees, for example.

In addition to financial support, we are also happy to assist you with the further development and updating of your concept. We will also be happy to advise you on other funding opportunities.


Funding is available for self-organised initiatives of five or more people or self-help groups of associations, non-profit companies (gUG, gGmbH) or foundations that

  • work economically but are not profit-orientated,
  • are organised and managed by those affected themselves,
  • are generally accessible to all those affected,
  • are party-politically neutral, ideologically open and tolerant,
  • do not primarily pursue political, ideological or philosophical goals,
  • Do not expose those affected to any psychological, health or economic risks.

Sponsored groups must pursue objectives and activities that are in the interests of the City of Munich. The concept must include one or more of the following topics:

  • Improving the residential and living environment, counteracting social isolation
  • Promoting the coexistence of healthy and sick people, people with and without disabilities, people of different generations or people with and without a migration background
  • Returning to the community after homelessness, imprisonment or addiction
  • Stabilisation in the event of social problems such as unemployment, bullying, abuse or work addiction
  • Support specifically for families, men, women, children or young people

Required documents

  • Application for self-help funding
  • Action plan for the funding year
  • Description of the group or initiative

We will request further documents from you individually, depending on your legal form.

Duration & Costs

Processing time

Once all documents have been received, the application review takes 8 to 16 weeks. This period also includes the assessment and vote by the Self-Help Advisory Board of the City of Munich.

Deadlines for receipt
Applications can be submitted from September for the following year. Applications received by 15 February of the current year will be granted in full after review. Applications received later will be granted pro rata for the remaining months.

Landeshauptstadt München

Bürgerschaftliches Engagement


Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Bürgerschaftliches Engagement

Ridlerstraße 75
80339 München


Ridlerstraße 75
80339 München

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9.30 am to 11.30 am