Promotion of energy-efficient refurbishment advice (FKG)

If you have submitted an application for funding for energy-related refurbishment advice, you will find all the essential information here.


Funding is available for energy-related refurbishment advice for existing residential buildings with the aim of achieving a climate-neutral building.

The funding in the FKG amounts to 90 per cent of the eligible expenditure, up to a maximum of

  • 2.300 euros for detached and semi-detached houses
  • 3.700 euros for residential buildings with three to twelve residential units
  • 5.700 euros for residential buildings with more than twelve residential units.

it was possible to apply for funding for energy-efficient refurbishment advice until 18 January 2024. Applications submitted during this period remain valid.

Note on the processing time

Currently around fifteen months after uploading the documents (proof of use submitted)

Please refrain from enquiring about the individual processing status. This helps us to shorten processing times.


You have submitted an application by 18 January 2024, .

Required documents

If the application is to be submitted by an authorised person representing the applicant, the power of attorney form must be submitted.

Once the counselling has been completed, the proof of use must be created in the funding portal and the required documents uploaded to the funding portal. The documents to be submitted vary depending on when the application is submitted.

The Energy Consultancy Checklist provides a summary of the documents to be submitted.

Duration & Costs

Processing time

The counselling must be completed and the documents (proof of use) uploaded within a period of three years. It is not possible to extend the term of the application.

Applications are processed in the order in which the utilisation references are received. It takes some time to check the documents (see note on processing time above). If it is established during the review that documents are missing or requirements have not been met, there is the possibility of rectification. In this case, you will receive a notification via the funding portal with a request to upload the necessary evidence within a reasonable period of time.

Once the application has been reviewed, a decision will be issued.

The funding will be paid out eight to ten weeks after receipt of the funding decision.



Questions & Answers

no. The subsidy expired on 19 January 2024. Applications that have already been submitted remain valid. No new applications can be submitted.

a building complex that has several buildings or house numbers that are structurally connected and are owned by the same person(s) are considered a single unit for the purposes of the FKG (see FKG guidelines booklet, page 7, as of 8 May 2023). The partial or individual buildings can be erected on the same or neighbouring plots of land. They can be free-standing, attached to one another on one side or on two sides.

  • All addresses (postcode, street, house number) of the analysed structural context must be stated in the application.

If several individual refurbishment roadmaps (iSFPs) existfor this building complex , these must be submitted with a summarised FKG supplementary report for the proof of use.

The following requirements must be met:

The FKG requirement for an EH55, or EH monument, must be fulfilled in each iSFP of a partial or individual building.

The following information must be provided in a summarised FKG supplementary report:

  • All addresses of the building complex with reference to the iSFP in which the partial or individual building is shown.
  • Summarised presentation of the consideration of solar thermal energy.
  • Summarised presentation of the consideration of photovoltaics.
  • Summarised presentation of the consideration of a district heating connection.
  • Comparison of refurbishment "step by step" and "refurbishment in one go".
  • Description and costs for the additional expenditure for each partial or individual building.
  • Listing of the specific subsidies for the object of the consultation (federal government, Free State of Bavaria, FKG).
  • Absolute CO2eq emissions of the analysed building complex.
  • Specific CO2eq emissions of the analysed building complex (calculated from the sum of the absolute CO2eq emissions divided by the sum of the usable building areas of the participating sub-buildings or individual buildings).

The Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection introduced a cumulation ban for other funding programmes under point 7.3 of the guidelines for federal funding for "Energy consulting for residential buildings" dated 31 May 2023.

Please understand that this is a federal funding programme and that the Department for Climate and Environmental Protection is therefore unable to make any statements in this regard.

Please contact the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA) if you have any questions regarding the cumulation ban.

Landeshauptstadt München

Referat für Klima- und Umweltschutz
Sachgebiet Förderprogramm Klimaneutrale Gebäude

We usually answer your questions by e-mail within one to two working days.


Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Referat für Klima- und Umweltschutz
Sachgebiet Förderprogramm Klimaneutrale Gebäude

Bayerstraße 28a
80335 München


Bayerstraße 28a
80335 München