Exhibiting in the Kunstarkaden

International artists living in Munich at the beginning of their professional careers can exhibit in a group exhibition in the Kunstarkaden.


The Kunstarkaden in the centre of Munich are a platform for contemporary art. They stand for intercultural orientation, artistic experimentation and the opening up of the visual arts. The concept focuses on group exhibitions with young artists from different cultural backgrounds who are still at the beginning of their professional careers.

The works are staged and presented in interaction with the spatial conditions of the Kunstarkaden. The aim is to create new worlds of experience each time.

With publications about the respective exhibitions, the Kunstarkaden additionally promote the artists and thus ensure a lasting impression.


  • You must live and work in Munich and be at the beginning of your professional career.
  • They can come from all areas of the visual arts.
  • You should be interested in interactive, intercultural, experimental work.

Required documents

If you are interested in an exhibition in the Kunstarkaden and fulfil the stated criteria, you are welcome to contact Mr Mehmet Dayi by telephone or e-mail.

Landeshauptstadt München


Postal address

Fax: 089 233-21892


Sparkassenstraße 3
80331 München


  • Available:Barrier-free access
  • Not available:Disabled parking

Related services

Project funding for cultural education

If you are developing projects in the greater Munich area that enable active participation in art and culture, you can apply for this funding.

Funding for international cultural projects

If you are an artist living or working in Munich and working on international projects, you can apply for funding.

Rent subsidies for art studios

If you are a visual artist, the City of Munich will provide you with financial support for rented studio space.

Scholarship Intercultural / International

If you would like to develop your skills as an intercultural or international cultural practitioner, you can apply for this scholarship.

Art in public space - Annuale

If you are realising freely accessible art projects in public urban spaces, you can apply for the "Art in Public Spaces" competition.

Scholarships for fine arts

If you are a visual artist at the beginning of your professional career, the City of Munich will provide you with financial support for a specific work project.

New Media Project Scholarship - Visual Arts

If you are working on a project in the field of visual arts that particularly involves new technologies, you can apply for a project grant.