Assistance under the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act
Asylum seekers who have little or no income receive economic assistance in accordance with the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act (AsylbLG).
The Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act (AsylbLG) covers the current need for food, accommodation, heating, clothing, health and personal care and household consumer goods and clothing (primarily through benefits in kind).
Those entitled to benefits also receive a sum of money to cover personal everyday needs.
Note for refugees from Ukraine:
Refugees from Ukraine who are travelling to Germany for the first time and do not yet have a residence permit in accordance with § 24 AufenthG or a corresponding fictitious certificate can apply for benefits in accordance with the AsylbLG. They must first register at the first point of contact at Dachauer Straße 122a.
You are entitled in particular to
- Basic benefits (§ 3 AsylbLG): Food, accommodation, heating, clothing, benefits for health and personal care, household consumer goods. Needs are primarily covered by benefits in kind, supplemented by a monthly sum of money to cover the needs of daily life.
- Benefits in the event of illness (sickness certificate), pregnancy and birth (§ 4 AsylbLG)
- Other benefits (§ 6 AsylbLG): These are benefits that are based on the special nature of an individual case.
Only politically persecuted persons are entitled to be recognised as persons entitled to asylum (Article 16a of the Basic Law).
In order to receive benefits, you must submit an application. Income and assets are taken into account in the calculation, with the exception of the statutory allowances. As a rule, you will receive benefits in kind and cash benefits. Cash benefits are usually paid out monthly by means of a payment card.
Among other things, you must fulfil the following requirements:
- You are actually resident in Germany
- You have a residence permit or one of the following residence permits: Section 23 (1), Section 25 (4) sentence 1 AufenthG, Section 25 (5) AufenthG, provided the decision on the suspension of your deportation was made less than 18 months ago, tolerated stay in accordance with Section 60a AufenthG
- You are under an enforceable obligation to leave the country
- You have submitted a subsequent application in accordance with § 71 AsylG or a second application in accordance with § 71a AsylG
- Your income and/or assets are not sufficient to cover your living expenses
§ Section 1 AsylbLG regulates in detail which persons are entitled to benefits.
Required documents
- Identity documents and residence permit
- Bank statements and payslips for the last 3 months
- Tenancy agreement and authorisation to take up private residence if you live in a flat with a private tenancy agreement
If further documents are required, please contact the person responsible for processing your application.
Questions & Answers
The Government of Upper Bavaria is responsible for processing applications from applicants who are housed in state accommodation, while the City of Munich is responsible for applicants who have been assigned to the City of Munich.
A right to move out of the shared accommodation exists by law in accordance with Article 4 Paragraph 3 Sentence 1 of the Reception Act (AufnG) for
- Families or single parents with at least one minor child after completion of the initial asylum procedure before the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees if deportation is impossible for factual or legal reasons and
- Persons who are entitled to benefits in accordance with § 1 AsylbLG and the initial asylum procedure has been completed for four years
Application form Article 4 paragraph 3 and 4 AufnG
In addition, in justified exceptional cases in accordance with Article 4 (5) AufnG, removal from the shared accommodation centre may be permitted at the discretion of the competent authority. This can be done in particular if
- Illness makes accommodation in shared accommodation unreasonable,
- Persons who are entitled to benefits in accordance with § 1 AsylbLG have sufficient earned income or assets so that they can support themselves or, if they have a family, their family,
- Spouses or parents and their minor children have different statuses under immigration law and at least one person is authorised to move out of the shared accommodation on the basis of their residence status.
The existence of a justified exceptional case must be proven by appropriate evidence.
Legal basis
Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act (AsylbLG)
Fachbereich Wirtschaftliche Hilfen
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