Art hire in the Artothek
In the Artothek you can borrow works of art by Munich artists for private homes and offices.
Lending works of art works in the same way as lending books in libraries. You can choose between a loan period of one, two or four months. A maximum of two extensions of the loan period are possible. The maximum loan period for a work of art is one year.
Current information
Loans, renewals and returns are only possible in person and on site at the Artothek. It is not possible to extend the loan period by telephone or online.
You are eligible if you live in the Munich area. This includes the City of Munich, the districts of Dachau, Ebersberg, Erding, Freising, Fürstenfeldbruck, Landsberg am Lech, Munich and Starnberg as well as their towns and municipalities. You must also be at least 14 years old.
Required documents
You must bring a valid identity card with you the first time and will then receive a rental card directly.
Artothek & Bildersaal
Postal address
Landeshauptstadt München
Artothek & Bildersaal
c/o Münchner Stadtmuseum
St.-Jakobsplatz 1
80331 München
Rosental 16
80331 München