If you work professionally in children's and youth theatre in the independent scene, you can apply for production funding from the city.


In 2025, the City of Munich's Department of Culture will award grants totalling an estimated 250,000 euros for professional children's and youth theatre productions from the independent scene. The funded productions should be exemplary for contemporary children's and youth theatre and have the potential to be groundbreaking and inspiring.

The aim is to promote independent professional performing arts productions for young audiences at a high level of quality by means of diverse artistic and interdisciplinary forms of expression. Through their themes, their artistic realisation and their performance venues, children and young people with different cultural, social or physical backgrounds are to be reached, thereby enabling cultural participation. This corresponds to the basic principle of cultural education, which always combines education, social issues and culture.

Evaluation criteria

  • Meaningfulness and comprehensibility of the project idea and calculation
  • high-quality artistic work and convincing composition of the artistic participants
  • Target group orientation (relevance of the topic for the target group, target group-orientated preparation, target group approach including choice of venues)

The City Council of the City of Munich decides on the awarding of funding on the recommendation of a jury.

Funding period
The funding period ends on 31 December 2025, i.e. the production must take place in 2025, the premiere and further performances must be planned for 2025.

About the application

Each applicant can only submit one application for production funding per year.

Grant forms and guidelines

The application must be submitted via the it@M online portal.

The short URL is: www.muenchen.de/projektantrag-dk

The full address is


Application deadline

Application deadline: The application deadline was 3 June 2024.


Individual theatre makers and theatre groups whose artistic work focuses on the greater Munich area are eligible to apply. Project-related funding can cover production costs, première costs and up to five subsequent performances in the Munich area. At least two of these must take place at decentralised venues in Munich.

Required documents


  • The completed application form from the online portal must be submitted with a detailed calculation of the expected expenditure and income. The following must be enclosed:
  • Project description (maximum 9,000 characters)
  • Overview of theatre productions already realised
  • Naming of the artistic team including short biographies
  • Declaration of intent of the planned venues for the premiere and subsequent performances

Please describe the artistic concept and the methods of realisation in your project description. We also ask you to describe your target group and how you will reach them (content, realisation, venue(s), public relations, ...).

The date of receipt by the City of Munich applies, not the date of submission of the documents in the application portal. It is not possible to submit documents in person to the Cultural Department.

By submitting their application, applicants declare their agreement with the terms and conditions of the call for applications. Applications that do not comply with the call conditions cannot be considered.

Application workshops

Theaterbüro München and Tanzbüro München are offering two application workshops in conjunction with the call for applications.

Questions & Answers

Yes, you can apply every year. You can submit an application that was not funded in previous years, either unchanged or further developed.

Of course, you have to familiarise yourself with the topic to a certain extent in order to be able to submit an application for funding. At the same time, the following applies: The items applied for funding must be within the funding year 2025. The realisation of the idea applied for must not yet have begun.
Preliminary work such as artistic research and topic development with the target group may also be applied for within the project period.

In accordance with "Art but fair", the relationship between the fee and the service should be clear. You are welcome to base your calculation on the fee recommendations of the Federal Association of the Performing Arts.

Theaterbüro München offers sample calculations on its website, for example. Two application workshops are also being organised together with Tanzbüro München:

"Get it done" on 2 May 2024

"Get it done! Consolidation" on 3 May 2024

You can apply for other calls for proposals from the Department of Culture in parallel if you submit a separate concept for funding for each call and mention this in your application. Please note, however, that you may have to be able to realistically realise all projects.
Of course, mixed funding (a combination with third-party funding) is possible.

Theatre education projects cannot be considered in this funding procedure. For these, there is funding for dance and theatre with amateurs at musenkuss-muenchen.de) Production funding is aimed at professional actors in the performing arts who produce and perform for young audiences.
If, for example, research or try-outs at schools take place as part of the production, this is possible. We also welcome educational formats such as workshops or in-depth discussions being offered as part of the performances. This content can be part of the calculation.

The Munich City Council. Funding is awarded in accordance with the guidelines for the awarding of grants from cultural funding of the City of Munich. The City Council decides on funding on the basis of recommendations from the Children's and Youth Theatre Jury, which is made up of members of the City Council and expert jurors from the field of children's and youth theatre. The jury makes an independent assessment and is bound by the financial framework set by the City Council of Munich.

The current jury members in the field of children's and youth theatre are
Tuncay Acar, Brigitte Dethier, Meike Fechner, Anne Fritsch, Murali Perumal and Dr Ulrike Wörner von Faßmann as well as substitutes Sophie Haydee Colindres Zühlke, Christian Schönfelder, Katharina Schrott and Kassandra Wedel;
as well as the jury members nominated by the city council factions. These are: Councillor Marion Lüttig and Councillor Dr Florian Roth (Die Grünen - Rosa Liste parliamentary group), Councillor Sabine Bär and Councillor Beatrix Burkhardt (CSU with FREIE WÄHLER parliamentary group) and Councillor Kathrin Abele (SPD/Volt parliamentary group).

This jury of experts was appointed for the funding years 2025 to 2027 to 2024, the appointment of the city councillors is valid until the end of the 2020 to 2026 electoral term, i.e. it is valid for the funding years 2025 and 2026.

Your project cannot be implemented as described in the application?
If there are significant changes during the realisation of the project (e.g. project name, rehearsal location, performance venue, production and performance period, number of performances), these can generally be approved. However, the changes must be agreed with the cultural department beforehand.

The funds do not have to be repaid if they are used for the intended purpose. However, the funding will be cancelled if the information provided is not true and the funding was therefore awarded incorrectly. Funds may also be reclaimed if no final report is submitted or the project is not realised. The funds must then be repaid immediately in full, including interest.

Legal basis

All valid submissions are presented to the jury for children's and youth theatre in the independent scene, which is appointed by the City Council. It makes a selection and recommends selected projects to the City Council.
The final decision will be made by the Culture Committee, probably at its meeting at the end of September 2024, after which the applicants will be notified.

Landeshauptstadt München

Abteilung 3
Kulturelle Bildung, Internationales,
Urbane Kulturen


Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Abteilung 3
Kulturelle Bildung, Internationales,
Urbane Kulturen

Burgstraße 4
80331 München

Fax: +49 89 233-27776


Burgstraße 4
80331 München