If you would like to become culturally active in your neighbourhood and implement your own projects, you can apply for project funding from the city.


The Cultural Department of the City of Munich awards annual grants for cultural projects in the city's neighbourhoods.

The closing date for applications in the current year is 15 September (23:59).


You live in Munich and are planning a cultural event for (or with) people from your neighbourhood.

Required documents

  • Completed project application (form: "Project application up to 25,000 euros")
  • Proof of utilisation
  • Goals & criteria of neighbourhood culture for orientation
  • Project description
  • Cost-financing plan

Questions & Answers

The "Objectives and criteria of neighbourhood culture" and the funding criteria of the Department of Culture clearly set out the aspects that need to be taken into account for an event to be considered a cultural event.

The event must have a connection to Munich, e.g. through the participants, topics and target groups. Unfortunately, events outside of Munich cannot be funded.

No, a funded cultural event must be politically neutral.

Yes, personnel costs, fees and material costs can be claimed in the funding application.

Unfortunately not: The funding application must include a detailed list of all costs. If items change during the course of the project, an updated calculation must be submitted. Please also include any third-party funding you may have applied for elsewhere in the calculation!

Unfortunately not: You can only apply for funding for projects whose realisation is planned for the period after the funding approval.

Yes: It is important that the Cultural Department of the City of Munich is named as a sponsor on all press and advertising materials as well as on the website, etc. With the logo "City of Munich Cultural Department" and the following sentence: "Supported by the Cultural Department of the City of Munich".

Please fill out the form "Verwendungsnachweis", in which you describe your actual expenses and income and write a short report on the progress and success of your project. We are also happy to receive specimen copies of flyers, screenshots of social media presence, press clippings or similar.

Landeshauptstadt München

Abteilung 2
Stadtteilkultur, Regionale Festivals, Kulturelle Infrastruktur, Veranstaltungstechnik


Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Abteilung 2
Stadtteilkultur, Regionale Festivals, Kulturelle Infrastruktur, Veranstaltungstechnik

Burgstraße 4
80331 München

Fax: +49 89 233-21892


Burgstraße 4
80331 München