School district - Guest school application

Public primary, special and secondary schools are subject to compulsory attendance. If there are compelling personal reasons, you can apply for an exemption.


According to Article 42 Paragraph 1 of the Bavarian Education and Teaching Act (BayEUG), attendance at compulsory public schools is compulsory in the district in which the school is located. This means that children must attend the primary school (primary school, secondary school or special education centre) in the school district where they usually live.

An exception to this legal regulation is possible for compelling personal reasons (Article 43 Paragraph 1 BayEUG). If such a reason exists for your child, you can submit a guest school application. This should ideally be submitted to the host school in April before your child starts school. You can obtain the application form from your local school.


Examples of compelling personal reasons:

  • The child has moved during the current school year and should remain in his/her usual class community.
  • The child will move during the current school year and should attend the future school from the beginning of the next school year. Please enclose a copy of the rental or purchase contract.
  • You are a working parent or single parent and are therefore unable to look after the child (only grades 1 to 4) yourself outside school hours. The child should therefore be looked after in the host school district in which the carer lives. Please enclose a confirmation of employment from the parent or legal guardian with whom the child lives, as well as a signed confirmation and the address of the carer.
  • The child is to attend an after-school care centre in the host school district, as the after-school care centre at the district school is no longer able to accept children. Please enclose the confirmation of the desired host school.
  • The child is to attend lunchtime supervision in the host school district, as the lunchtime supervision at the Sprengelschule is no longer available. Please enclose the cancellation of lunchtime supervision at the sprengel school and the confirmation of lunchtime supervision at the desired host school.
  • The child is to attend a day care centre in the host school district. Please enclose the confirmation of the day care centre of the desired host school.
  • The sister or brother already attends the same primary school as a host school.

Examples of reasons not recognised as compelling, personal reasons:

  • The child has attended a kindergarten that is in the area of the host school.
  • Friends and playmates of the child attend the host school.
  • A longer journey to school, unless there are special, proven circumstances. The reason for this is that all children who live on the edge of a school district have a slightly longer journey to school than their classmates.
  • Escort to school, unless there are special, proven circumstances.
  • The child has attended a "preliminary German course" at the host school.

Required documents

  • Application form with compelling personal reasons
  • Proof of compelling personal reasons

Please hand in the completed and signed guest school application form together with the relevant supporting documents to the responsible school.
The school will forward the guest school application to the relevant department of the Department of Education and Sport via the desired guest school.
If you have any queries regarding the guest school application, please contact your local school.

Duration & Costs

Processing time

Authorisation for the coming school year is usually granted in mid-June. The prerequisite is that all the necessary documents have been submitted and that the relevant year group of the desired host school is still eligible for admission.

Guest school applications submitted during the current school year can be approved immediately if all the necessary documents have been submitted and the relevant year group of the desired guest school is still eligible.


free of charge

Legal basis

  • Article 42 (1) of the Bavarian Education and Teaching Act (BayEUG)
  • Article 43 (1) of the Bavarian Education and Teaching Act (BayEUG)

Landeshauptstadt München

Referat für Bildung und Sport
Abt. 4 Grund-, Mittel-, Förderschulen und Tagesheime


Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Referat für Bildung und Sport
Abt. 4 Grund-, Mittel-, Förderschulen und Tagesheime

Bayerstraße 28
80335 München


Bayerstraße 28
80335 München

by appointment

Related services

Reimbursement of travel costs to and from school

Munich schoolchildren can apply for a cost exemption or reimbursement of travel costs for their journey to school by public transport.

Support for children of pre-school age

If your child is between the ages of 4 and 7 and you want to prepare them for school at home, you can take advantage of the HIPPY support programme.

Registration for primary school

If your child turns six by 30 September, you must register them for school enrolment at the relevant primary school on 19 March 2025.

Reformed health check-up for school enrolment

If your child is due to start school in September, they must first take part in the reformed school enrolment health examination (rSEU).