Green space supervision

The green space supervisors from the building department monitor compliance with the city's regulations in the public green spaces.


If you have any questions about municipal parks, green spaces and playgrounds, please give us a call.

Legal basis

  • Landscape protection ordinance (No. 900)
  • Green space statutes

Landeshauptstadt München



Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München

Friedenstraße 40
81671 München

Fax: +49 89 233-989-60305


Friedenstraße 40
81671 München

Related services

Reporting damaged bike racks

If you have discovered a damaged bicycle stand, please report your observation to us using the contact details provided.

Defective play equipment or soiling on public playgrounds

If you notice any defective playground equipment or soiling in public playgrounds, please report it to us.

Reporting faulty lane markings

Have you discovered a poorly recognisable or missing lane marking? Then please report your observation to us using the contact details provided.

Reporting damaged bollards

Have you discovered a defective bollard? Then please report your observation to us using the contact details provided.

Reporting dirty or damaged traffic and road signs

Have you discovered a dirty or damaged traffic or road sign? Then report your observation to us using the contact details provided.

Reporting missing traffic and road signs

Have you discovered a place where a traffic or road sign has disappeared? Then report your observation to us.

Reporting faults in street lighting

Have you discovered a fault with a street lamp or traffic light? Then please report your observation to us using the contact details provided.

Channel faults

In the event of any faults affecting the public sewer system, please contact the sewer station. This is possible around the clock.

Reporting damaged or soiled benches

Have you discovered a damaged or soiled bench? Then please report your observation to us using the contact details provided.