
We answer your questions about adoption and support adoptive families and surrendering parents.


Counselling on all questions relating to adoption.

The services of the adoption placement centre in detail:

  • Counselling for relinquishing parents
  • Counselling for people interested in adopting
  • Counselling and support for adoptive families
  • Advice on adoption enquiries
  • Counselling in the run-up to a step-parent adoption
    Please note: In step-parent adoptions, all parties involved (parents of the child to be adopted, adopting parent, child) must be counselled by the youth welfare office prior to the procedure (§ 9a AdVermiG). The counselling obligation does not apply if the adopting parent was already married to the child's parent at the time of the child's birth and the child was born in Germany.

Detailed information can only be provided in a personal consultation with the responsible colleagues.

People who have previously kept their identity secret in the context of giving birth to a child (baby nest or life gate, confidential birth, anonymous birth or other) can contact us at any time. We will take care of your request without reservation and treat your enquiry confidentially.

Required documents

are discussed during the counselling process

Duration & Costs


There are no fees for domestic adoptions.
For foreign adoptions, you will find out the fees during the counselling session.

Questions & Answers

Responsibility for processing is determined by the first letter of the surname.

A, B, C, D
Mrs Pechtl,, Room 1.216, Tel. 089 233-720033

E, L, U
Mrs Itzke,, room 1.218, 089 233-720015

F, G, O
Mrs Kazemi,, Room 1.216, 089 233-720071

H, P, T, W
Mrs Haas,, Room 1.218, Tel. 089 233-720031

I, J, N, Q, R, V, X, Y, Z
Mrs Nölle,, Room 1.214, Tel. 089 233-720039

K, M
Mrs Neubert,, room 1.214, 089 233-720032

Mrs Koch,, Room 1.218, Tel. 089 233-720036

Once a month, our adoption colleagues organise information evenings on the subject of domestic or international adoption. If you are interested, please get in touch with your contact person.

Legal basis

Adoption Mediation Act, AdWirkG, FamFG, BGB, Hague Convention on the Protection of Minors, etc.

Landeshauptstadt München

Pflegen, Adoption


Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Pflegen, Adoption

Balanstraße 59
81541 München

Fax: +49 89 233-20003


Balanstraße 59
81541 München