
MediaWorks Munich

What companies? Media, fashion, services
Operator?  OFFICEFIRST Immobilien AG, BMI Immobilienmanagement GmbH

At the back of Munich's Ostbahnhof (east-end station), MediaWorks borders on the Werksviertel development site. The Medienbrücke (Media Bridge) – a high-end complex of loft offices, perched on two pillars, that seems to hover over the MWM space – forms a spectacular gateway to this site, alongside the Novum tower.

Split up by four courtyards, this former production site has been upgraded since the 1990s. The business park that stands here today provides around 100,000 m² of floor space to more than 100 companies. The media is well represented. Restaurants and cafés, shops, a conference center, doctors and childcare facilities complement the infrastructure.

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MediaWorks Munich


Rosenheimer Straße 145a
81671 München