Startup centers

gate – Garchinger Technologie- und Gründerzentrum GmbH


Garchinger Technologie- und Gründerzentrum GmbH

What companies?   About 50 start-ups with a focus on Big Data, Industry 4.0, Smart Mobility, health care and robotics

Supported or funded by?  Bavarian Ministry for Economic Affairs, Technical University of Munich (TUM), Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) for Munich and Upper Bavaria, LfA Förderbank Bayern (development bank), Munich Network, Kreissparkasse München Starnberg Ebersberg (savings bank group), Munich administrative district and the city of Garching.

Based in the north of Munich, Garchinger Technologie- und Gründerzentrum – or gate, for short – is a high-tech location situated right on the TUM - Technical University of Munich 's research campus. At gate there are workshops,  events, local coaches for founders, conference rooms, a bistro, a central reception / post-office and a convenienctly located parking area. 

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gate – Garchinger Technologie- und Gründerzentrum GmbH



Lichtenbergstraße 8
85748 Garching b.München