LiteraVision television award

If you have produced a TV programme about books and authors, you can apply for the LiteraVision TV award.


The LiteraVision television prize is awarded biennially throughout the German-speaking world. It is awarded in the short and feature film categories and is endowed with 8,000 euros each. The shortlisted films will be screened and discussed in a public jury session in the presence of the filmmakers.

The next call for tenders will take place in 2024.


Only programmes broadcast for the first time in 2022 and 2023 will be selected. Proposals can be submitted by public and private broadcasters in Germany, Austria and Switzerland as well as by producers and filmmakers from these countries.

Required documents

  • three technically flawless DVD or Blu-ray copies
  • a synopsis of the submitted television production
  • biographical material about the filmmaker
  • the completed form (PDF)

Legal basis

A jury of experts from the fields of journalism, literature and film as well as members of the honorary city council will decide on the award. The two-day jury meeting, at which the shortlisted films are shown and discussed, is open to the public.
This is followed by the award ceremony, at which the prize-winning films are screened (as part of the Munich Literature Festival).

Landeshauptstadt München

Literatur und Preise

Literature and prices

Katrin Dirschwigl


Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Literatur und Preise

Burgstraße 4
80331 München


Burgstraße 4
80331 München

Related services

Filming authorisation - public traffic areas

If you use public paths, roads or squares for photo, film or sound recordings beyond the usual traffic conditions, you will need a filming permit.

Filming authorisation - non-public, municipal properties

If you want to film on non-public, municipal property and in buildings belonging to the municipal department, you need a filming permit.

Filming authorisation - urban public green spaces

Anyone wishing to make photo, film or sound recordings in an urban public green space requires a special permit.

Application for the Starter Film Award

Young Munich filmmakers who demonstrate a creative approach to the medium and stylistic innovation can apply for the Starter Film Award.

Filming authorisation - Municipal cemeteries

Commercial film and photo shoots in the municipal cemeteries are authorised on request.

Filming authorisation - school building and school grounds

You require a permit to make film, television, photo and sound recordings on municipal school premises and in municipal school buildings.