Incidents with dangerous dogs

Landeshauptstadt München

Kreisverwaltungsreferat (KVR)
Hauptabteilung I Sicherheit und Ordnung, Prävention
Allgemeine Gefahrenabwehr


Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Kreisverwaltungsreferat (KVR)
Hauptabteilung I Sicherheit und Ordnung, Prävention
Allgemeine Gefahrenabwehr

Ruppertstr. 19
80466 München

Fax: +49 89 233-45665


Ruppertstr. 19
80466 München

Get in touch with us

Related services

Exemption from dog tax - shelter dog

If your dog comes from the Munich animal shelter, you can have it exempted from dog tax for the first year of ownership.

Exemption from dog tax - Special tasks

If you keep your dog for professional, commercial, public or charitable purposes, you can be exempt from dog tax.

Negative certificate for fighting dogs

The keeping of category 1 fighting dogs is not permitted in Munich. You need a negative certificate for dogs with suspected fighting dog characteristics.

Exemption from dog tax - dog licence

If your dog has passed the test at a dog school, you can have it exempted from dog tax for the following year.

Loss of or damage to the dog tax tag

If your dog's tax tag has been lost or damaged, you must apply for a replacement tag.

Registration of a dog

If you take in a new dog or move to Munich with a dog, you must register it for dog tax within two weeks.

Deregistration of a dog

If your dog has died, you give it up or you move away from Munich, you must deregister your dog from the dog tax within two weeks.

Exemption from dog tax - assistance dog

If you are dependent on the assistance of a dog due to a severe disability, you can apply for an exemption from the dog tax.