Filming authorisation - school building and school grounds

You require a permit to make film, television, photo and sound recordings on municipal school premises and in municipal school buildings.


In the case of film/photo shoots of underage pupils (under 18 years of age), the consent of the legal guardians is required for the publication of the recordings.

The work and school operations must not be impaired.

There is an absolute ban on smoking and alcohol on the entire school premises.

To apply for a filming permit, please send an e-mail to the contact below.

School buildings and grounds can be made available on an hourly basis for exterior and interior filming.

Permission can only be granted in consultation with the respective school.

Permitted types of filming are

  • Cultural and documentary films
  • Feature films (entertainment)
  • Advertising
  • Photo and sound recordings
  • Projects by pupils and students

You may only use the recordings for the stated purpose. It is not permitted to pass on even excerpts without the written consent of the city. The presence of supervisory staff is mandatory during filming.

Cancellation by the city is possible at any time.


You must apply for a filming permit at least three weeks before filming begins.

We recommend that you visit the desired filming location and discuss your plans with the school concerned before submitting an application to the Department of Education and Sport.

Required documents

Identity card

Duration & Costs

Processing time

One to a maximum of three working days if you submit the application three weeks before the start of filming.

Exception: During the holidays, as schools are only available to a limited extent during this time.


The exact costs can be found in the document "User fee" under "Forms and links".

The fees will only be charged once your actual filming times have been reported.

Payment methods available

Landeshauptstadt München

Referat für Bildung und Sport
Raum- und Flächenüberlassungen in Schulen, Schulsportanlagen und Kindertageseinrichtungen


Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Referat für Bildung und Sport
Raum- und Flächenüberlassungen in Schulen, Schulsportanlagen und Kindertageseinrichtungen

Bayerstraße 28
80335 München

Fax: +49 89 233-84401


Bayerstraße 28
80335 München

Related services

Application for the Starter Film Award

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Filming authorisation - non-public, municipal properties

If you want to film on non-public, municipal property and in buildings belonging to the municipal department, you need a filming permit.

Filming authorisation - Municipal cemeteries

Commercial film and photo shoots in the municipal cemeteries are authorised on request.

Filming authorisation - urban public green spaces

Anyone wishing to make photo, film or sound recordings in an urban public green space requires a special permit.

LiteraVision television award

If you have produced a TV programme about books and authors, you can apply for the LiteraVision TV award.

Filming authorisation - public traffic areas

If you use public paths, roads or squares for photo, film or sound recordings beyond the usual traffic conditions, you will need a filming permit.