Application for the Starter Film Award

Young Munich filmmakers who demonstrate a creative approach to the medium and stylistic innovation can apply for the Starter Film Award.


Every year, the City of Munich awards three Starter Film Prizes, each endowed with 8,000 euros, for artistically outstanding films, especially by young, not yet established Munich filmmakers, whose work demonstrates a creative approach to the medium and stylistic innovation.

In addition, a Starter Film Prize / Production will be awarded - as a monetary benefit for the post-production of a future film in the amount of 8,000 euros, donated by PHAROS - The Post Group.

A self-application is required.

The Starter Film Awards have been presented as part of the Munich Film Festival since 2019. (In 2020, they were awarded as part of the Munich Film Art Weeks due to the coronavirus pandemic).

The next call for entries is expected to take place at the beginning of 2025.

The Starter Film Prize is awarded annually.


Only up-and-coming directors who are at the beginning of a professional directing career can apply. Amateur or hobby filmmakers are not eligible to apply.

Works from the fields of fiction, documentary and experimental film as well as children's and youth films are accepted, whereby the film length is not prescribed. The Starter Film Prize for Production supports particularly courageous and creative film productions that are characterised by high quality despite a low budget.

Only productions that were completed in 2023 are eligible; the copyright date is decisive. Films must be available in suitable cinema screening formats such as DCP or BluRay at the time of application. Note for students: Excluded is the "Film 01", or the film from the first year of study or previous productions. Applicants must live in Munich (MVV catchment area).

Required documents

The application must be submitted in a single PDF:

  • A fully completed application form
  • a viewing link of the proposed film, which must be fully accessible to the jury by the end of April of the competition year
  • Information material about
    • Filmmaker (address, telephone, e-mail address, biography, filmography)
    • Film (genre, film length, synopsis, format)
    • Production (production staff, technical data, production budget including contributions in the form of non-cash benefits, funding, awards received)

The nominated applicants will provide a specimen copy (BluRay/DVD) upon request.

All documents (including the application form) must be submitted in a single PDF by Wednesday, 31 January 2024, 23:59 at the latest by email to
The PDF must not exceed a total size of 5 MB and must be named as follows Surname_Film_Title_Starter24

Submission by post

If it is not possible for you to send the application by e-mail as a PDF, in exceptional cases you can send your documents by post in seven copies with seven BluRays/DVDs by midnight on the day of the application deadline (the postmark will apply):

Cultural Department of the City of Munich
Department 1 / Starter Film Awards
Burgstraße 4
80331 Munich

Submission by fax is excluded. Incomplete applications and applications that are not submitted by the deadline cannot be considered. The Cultural Department accepts no liability for the documents submitted

Legal basis

The award is decided by the City Council of the City of Munich on the recommendation of an independent jury.

Landeshauptstadt München

Literatur und Preise


Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Literatur und Preise

Burgstraße 4
80331 München


Burgstraße 4
80331 München

Related services

Filming authorisation - non-public, municipal properties

If you want to film on non-public, municipal property and in buildings belonging to the municipal department, you need a filming permit.

Filming authorisation - urban public green spaces

Anyone wishing to make photo, film or sound recordings in an urban public green space requires a special permit.

Filming authorisation - public traffic areas

If you use public paths, roads or squares for photo, film or sound recordings beyond the usual traffic conditions, you will need a filming permit.

Filming authorisation - Municipal cemeteries

Commercial film and photo shoots in the municipal cemeteries are authorised on request.

Filming authorisation - school building and school grounds

You require a permit to make film, television, photo and sound recordings on municipal school premises and in municipal school buildings.

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